Daily Mirror - 24.07.2019

(Frankie) #1



Political Editor

Boris Johnson


Jeremy Hunt



over letting Chinese firm
Huawei into our 5G system.
In 2015, Mr Johnson, as
London Mayor, accused
Trump of being “unfit” for
office. But he has spoken
warmly of the President since
then. Meanwhile, Trump’s daughter Ivanka
was ridiculed after congratulating Mr
Johnson on “becoming the next PM of the
United Kingston” in a tweet.

He’ll do a good job.” The pairs handling of
the UK-US “special relationship” will prove
crucial for Britain’s fortunes over the next
few months. But it will be tested by the Iran
crisis, a potential trade pact and warnings

Brexit that works for the whole UK”, a
clear warning against a no-deal.
And former Tory leader William
Hague warned his approach was “a
fantasy” that could be a “mortal
threat” to his premiership.
Apart from the mess left by Mrs
May’s botched EU plans, one of the
biggest problems Mr Johnson will have
to deal with is the crisis in the Gulf.
Iran last night warned him it would
protect its waters, after Mr Hunt
outlined plans for a European naval

Brexit plans could drive an even bigger
wedge through the divided party.
Brussels immediately dashed his
hopes of renegotiating the deal that
had been struck with Mrs May.
The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator
Michel Barnier said he looked forward
to “working constructively” on
ratifying the Withdrawal Agreement
Mrs May struck with Europe.
The outgoing PM, who will resign
today, congratulated Mr Johnson, but
stressed he should work “to deliver a

private meeting that he was not
planning an election any time soon.
Mr Johnson was voted Tory leader
by 0.2% of the electorate. Rival Mr
Hunt got 46,656 votes.
The 67% victory gave him the power
to change official government policy
towards a damaging no-deal Brexit.
But one Cabinet Minister said: “It
doesn’t change the fundamental facts.
We have barely got a Commons
majority.” Mr Johnson also pledged to
unite the Tories, but his hardline

haven’t delivered Brexit. Labour leader
Jeremy Corbyn urged Mr Johnson to
call a poll and vowed to table a motion
of no-confidence in the new PM “when
it is appropriate to do so” and “at a
time of our choosing”.
He said: “He’s been elected by less
than 100,000 people, and he’s been
elected on a programme which
appears to be tax write-offs for the
very richest and a no-deal exit from
the European Union.”
But Mr Johnson told Tory MPs at a

campaign slogan “deliver, unite and
defeat” – with the initials DUD. He
said it had been rebranded to include
the word “energise”, so he could
govern as a “DUDE”.
He then waffled: “Like some
slumbering giant, we are going to rise
and ping off the guy ropes of
self-doubt and negativity.”
But Mr Johnson’s first day as PM
could be overshadowed by up to a
dozen senior ministers quitting his
government in protest at his
dangerous no-deal plans.
Chancellor Philip Hammond, Aid
Secretary Rory Stewart and
Justice Secretary David
Gauke are expected to be first
out of the door. He also faces
the prospect of losing his
working majority entirely
amid speculation
disillusioned Tory MPs could
leave the party.
The chance of a general
election within months has
grown – with the Tories
facing a drubbing if they

Despair as just 0.2%

impose blundering

no-deal clown on

COMEBACK Fired Priti Patel rest of the nation

MUCH of Britain hung it’s head in
despair yesterday as just 92,
Tories saddled us with divisive
Boris Johnson as our next PM.
And almost as if the new party
leader could sense the gloomy mood
of the rest of the nation, he declared:
“There may be some people here who
wonder quite what they have done.”
He also said there would be many
who “question the wisdom” of
crowning him leader after a political
career marred by endless blunders
racism, homophobia, lies and U-turns.
But it was an all too brief moment
of honesty from the former Foreign
Secretary, who critics fear will plunge
Britain into an economic nightmare if
he forces through a no-deal Brexit
after he beat Jeremy Hunt to become
Theresa May’s successor.
And it did not take long for Mr
Johnson to revert to his blustering
ways, by delivering a speech peppered
with fantasies about “a new spirit of
can-do” and ending with a
cringe-worthy joke about his

DAD Stanley
praises him

I WIN Mr Johnson,
Mr Hunt and wife

GAFFE Ivanka’s tweet

LIMP Pair shake as vote announced

DONALD Trump last night
welcomed Boris Johnson’s
victory, telling a rally: “He’s
tough and he’s smart – they call
him ‘Britain’s Trump’.”
Speaking in
Washington he
added: “They like me over
there. That’s what they wanted.
That’s what they need. He’ll
get it done. Boris is good.

He’s ‘Britain’s


the Donald
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