Daily Mirror - 24.07.2019

(Frankie) #1

mirror.co.uk WEDNESDAY 24.07.2019 DAILY MIRROR^3




Labour Shadow Chancellor

are grim reality confronting
false optimism.
Soon, even a fair chunk of a
Tory Party desperately
gambling on the Old Etonian
dunce to vanquish Right-wing
rival Nigel Farage and the
Brexit Party will be wishing
they’d picked loser Jeremy
Hunt or stuck with May.
Yes, it’ll be that bad.
Brexit is either her tweaked
deal with grinning chancer
Johnson’s face on the front or
we stay in Europe.
The US is lumbered with
Donald Trump and the Tories
have landed Great Britain with
his bumbling Mini-Me.
Buckle up, It’s going to be a
bumpy ride. Though it may
not last long with an election
our ticket out of this mess.

believes he was born to rule
and the British people are just
suckers to be played.
Labour will move heaven
and earth to prevent Johnson
damaging our country.
If we don’t act decisively on
climate change our children
will have no planet to inherit.
That’s why we will prevent
Johnson backing the interests
of his fossil fuel industry pals.
And with over four-and-a-
half million children in poverty
we will block his tax giveaways
to his rich friends and ensure
they pay taxes so we can end
the suffering caused by the
Tories’ Universal Credit.
Labour will show people
what a wonderful country
Britain could be again.

THE coronation of Boris
Johnson is a huge turning
point for politics in the UK.
All of us need to wake up to
the fact politics as we have
known it has changed
dramatically for the worst.
Boris Johnson introduces
something largely alien to our
political culture and history.
We have always expected
our politicians to adhere to
basic democratic standards.
Standards like respect for
Parliament, decency, respect
for the truth and for others.
But do not expect Boris
Johnson to ever abide by
these standards, because he
doesn’t believe he has to.
Like his other rich friends in
the Bullingdon Club, he

This is a huge turning

point in British politics

FLOPPING on the big stage as
usual, Boris Johnson’s drivel
was the half-arsed babble of a
self-entitled fraud who’d be
out of his depth in a puddle.
Far from setting the
country on fire the Tory
egomaniac – imposed as
Prime Minister by fewer
people than live in Wigan or
Basildon – was a wet blanket.
He ended his ramblings
with an awful ‘Dude’ joke.
Johnson’s absence of fizz,
urgency, intellectualism and
preparation is the shallowness
of a clown with no viable plan
beyond moving into No10.
Ministerial resignations,
horrified MPs, defection
threats and near certain
defeat in next week’s Brecon
and Radnorshire by-election

Babbling fraud who’d be

out of depth in a puddle

Percentage of the UK
electorate the 92,
Tories who voted for
Johnson make up


austerity as they went for the £650 Sophia
bucket bag with Albany silk scarf, rather than
a near identical one from Liberty for £150.
The final bill for the spree, organised by
Michael Gove, was thought to be nearly
£1,500. A Downing Street source said: “It was
a genuinely nice ending.”

May bags luxury gifts in send-off

TORY Cabinet ministers bought Theresa May
a £650 leather handbag and a £
necklace in a leaving present whip-round.
Even the most ardent plotters coughed up
£50 a head for the lavish gifts presented to
Mrs May at her final Cabinet meeting
yesterday. And ministers showed no signs of

aides writing the address he will deliver on
the steps of No10 today. He was also
finalising his Cabinet with little-known MP
Mark Spencer confirmed as his chief whip.
It is a crucial position as Mr Johnson
attempts to govern with a working
Tory-DUP majority of just two – and at risk
of falling further if his party loses next
week’s Brecon and Radnorshire by-election.
DUP leader Arlene Foster confirmed the
deal remained in place but suggested its
terms would be reviewed.
Gavin Williamson and Priti Patel, both
fired in the past, are expected to make
a comeback.
Mr Johnson yesterday met the 1922
Committee of MPs where it was claimed he
promised to “love bomb” those who did not
back him. But a new YouGov poll showed
nearly half of voters expect him to be a poor
or terrible PM.
New Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson has said
her “door is open” to Labour and Tory MPs
looking to defect from their parties.
[email protected]

MP, Keith Simpson, left
grumbling: “The circus has
come to town.” He accused
fawning colleagues of being
“ambitious little sh**s”. Mr
Johnson, 55, was watched
by dad Stanley and siblings
Jo and Rachel as he was
crowned leader. There was
no sign of girlfriend Carrie
Symonds, 31. His four adult children did not
turn up. Mr Hunt was with wife Lucia.
Last night, Mr Johnson was holed up with

task force. Foreign Minister
Javad Zarif said: “Iran does
not seek confrontation.
“But we have 1,500 miles
of Persian Gulf coastline.
These are our waters and
we will protect them.”
It came after Iran seized
the British-flagged tanker
Stena Impero on Friday in
the Straits of Hormuz. Mr Johnson later met
Tory MPs in Parliament, accompanied by
Sajid Javid, tipped to be his Chancellor. One

He’s been
elected by
less than
100,000. On a
programme of
a no-deal exit


Mr Johnson
Right, Carrie

Mirror Associate Editor
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