Spotlight – September 2019

(Elle) #1
IN THE SPOTLIGHT 9/2019 Spotlight 7

Fotos: tobiasjo, Boonchuay_Promjiam, NicolasMcComber/; Neil Mockford/Getty Images; ddp/INTERTOPICS; B. Cannarsa/Opale/Leemage/laif,


Only slim

is sexy

Making a career in showbiz is tough if
you don’t have the perfect figure. This is
what James Corden, 40, told actor David
Tennant on his podcast David Tennant Does
a Podcast with... Corden said that he had
found it difficult to get lead roles when
he was younger because he was chubby,
so he created his own lead role by writing
and starring in the British TV comedy
Gavin & Stacey. Now the host of The Late
Late Show in the US, he still thinks bigger
actors are discriminated against, because
in film and TV shows, “if you are chubby
or fat or big, you never really fall in love,
you never have sex”.

Age: 28
From: Castlebar in County Mayo,
Job: Writer
Background: Rooney studied English at
Trinity College Dublin and did a master’s
degree in American literature. She pub-
lished her first novel, Conversations with

Friends, in 2017 and her second novel,
Normal People, a year later.
Famous because: Normal People, about
the relationship between two college
students, has won awards, including the
Irish Novel of the Year, the British Fiction
Book of the Year and the British Book of
the Year.


All together now

Empty-nest syndrome is low on the list of
Australian parents’ worries: new statistics
from the Australian Institute of Family
Studies show that young people are in-
creasingly living in their parents’ homes
well into their twenties.
The institute says 36 per cent of peo-
ple aged between 20 and 24 were living at
home in 1981; by 2016, this had risen to 43
per cent. The proportion of 25- to 29-year-
olds living at home has gone up, too: from
10 to 17 per cent in the same time span.
Anne Hollonds, director of the insti-
tute, told The Sydney Morning Herald that
young people now stay in the family
home longer because of high housing
costs; time spent in higher education;
a lack of employment; and the trend to
marry later. Fewer Australians, it seems,
are choosing to marry at all. The popula-
tion “down under” has doubled since the
1970s, and while there were 116,000 mar-
riages in 1970, in 2017, there were 113,000.

If there’s

one thing

I know I

didn’t do


it’s the


lack [lÄk]
, Mangel

time span [(taIm spÄn]
, Zeitspanne

chubby [(tSVbi]
, pummelig

host [hEUst]
, Moderator


Sally Rooney EASY

renowned [ri(naUnd]
, berühmt

— I.M. Pei quoted in
The New York Times. The
renowned Chinese-American
architect died this spring at
the age of 102.

degree [di(gri:]
, Abschluss

novel [(nQv&l]
, Roman
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