Awake Photography – July 2019

(Elle) #1

Photo by Dov Fuchs

Cover by Siegart Von Schlichting


Many photographers specialize. One photographer spends most of his time on landscapes, another spends most of
her time on portraiture. Many of our AWAKE photographers love wildlife photography; others love capturing flowers
and nature; still others love to shoot street photography or find the magic in everyday things.

While it’s natural to branch out and try different subjects, it’s also quite natural to find one subject or style in which
you feel most comfortable or somehow drawn.

So from issue to issue you’ll likely find some of our most talented photographers delivering up their most favorite So from issue to issue you’ll likely find some of our most talented photographers delivering up their most favorite
piece of the past few months in what is clearly revealing itself as their particular style or preferred subject matter. You
might even find yourself looking forward to a particular photographer’s newest offering from one issue to the next.

And with this particular issue, our current edition of AWAKE Photography, we’re going to begin showcasing some of
our photographers who elect to go especially deep — not just in a particular style, but on a particular project.

WWorking on thematic projects is one of the best ways for photographers to develop their talents and then show off
what they’re capable of. Because where a single photo might turn out great in isolation (almost a happy accident), it
requires a much greater degree of dedication (and sheer work) for a photographer to tackle one particular theme and
really plunge in and explore it in depth over a period of days, weeks, or months.

Assigning yourself a project that means something to you each month is one of the best ways to further your progress Assigning yourself a project that means something to you each month is one of the best ways to further your progress
as a photographer. And we want to begin celebrating those efforts. So commencing with this issue we’re going to be
publishing at least three feature spreads dedicated to specific photographic (or even photo-journalistic) projects.
These should make each issue even more interesting. And if you’re a photographer yourself, it might be that these
projects will inspire you in your own work, sparking ideas for possible projects you might pursue yourself.

But the projects only make up a fraction of what we have in store for you this month. So go kick back in a favorite But the projects only make up a fraction of what we have in store for you this month. So go kick back in a favorite
chair, open the mag on a tablet if possible, and enjoy the extraordinary collection we’ve assembled for you this month
celebrating the talents of the incredible photographers of AWAKE!

  • Sebastian Michaels

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