Better Nutrition – July 2019

(vip2019) #1
Extracts from the seeds of the Ginkgo biloba
tree hold promise as a healing therapy for skin
infections, including acne, psoriasis, dermatitis
and eczema, according to a study from Emory
University. Researchers, whose findings were
published in Frontiers in Microbiology, found
in laboratory experiments that ginkgo seed
extracts have antibacterial effects when used
topically. They were shown to inhibit the
growth of Cutibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus
aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria.
A nearly 200-year-old copy of a 16th-century
text on traditional Chinese medicine, Ben
Cao Gang Mu, guided the researchers in their
experiments. “Our results give validity to the
use of ginkgo seeds as a topical antimicrobial
as prescribed in this 16th-century text,” says
Francois Chassagne, co-author of the paper.

Summer Cold?
Is a cold spoiling your summer? Reach for pelargonium. According to a scientific
review in Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal, an extract of Pelargonium sidoides
root (Eps 7630) was superior to a placebo in patients with common colds (e.g., subjects
experienced faster relief of their symptoms). Pelargonium is a safe, natural option
for treating cold symptoms, say researchers. Historically, pelargonium has been
used by herbalists for easing coughs and bronchitis.

Supplements for HEALTHY KIDS & TEENS
We talked with well-known natural health expert Tieraona Low Dog, MD, about the most important
nutrients for children and teenagers. Low Dog is the author of several books, including Fortify Your
Life and Healthy at Home. Visit her website for her health blogs and more at

value) for most vitamins and minerals, with a
few exceptions. For teens, only menstruating
girls should take a multi that includes iron, unless
a health care professional tells you otherwise.
Calcium takes up a lot of space in a “once daily”
type of vitamin, so generally most will only
provide – mg per day. That’s okay. You
do want to make sure it has adequate amounts
of the B-vitamins, zinc, and vitamin C. Speaking
of vitamin C, keep some extra around the house
in case someone comes down with the sniffles,
as well as a bottle of elderberry syrup, which can
help the body fight off respiratory infections. I
always recommend probiotics too.
Vitamin D is important during winter. Studies
show that vitamin D supplements can reduce the
risk of upper respiratory infections, and it has also
been shown to reduce hospitalizations and steroid
use in children with asthma, which tends to also
be worse during cold and flu season. I recommend
, IU per day for children ‰ and older.

BN: Is there a good remedy for improving focus
and attention?

TLD: Well, the main prescription, if you will, is
getting plenty of sleep, a breakfast with healthy
protein and fats, and regular exercise. A multivita-
min is also important for ensuring kids are getting
adequate B-vitamins, which are important for
mood and focus. Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) can
be useful for aiding focus in children and teens.
And lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) can be very
helpful for children who have difficulty focusing.

BN: How about teenage health?

TLD: Teens need lots of rest, as they are growing
rapidly. If your kids are staying up late working on
the computer doing homework, make sure you
install software that will block blue light, which is
notorious for making it difficult to fall asleep. Keep
plenty of healthy snacks around the house, and
try “daily booster powders” that contain some
protein, vitamins, and/or fruits and veggies.

BN: What if sleep is a problem?

TLD: Herbal teas can be helpful when given one
hour before bed. I love Traditional Medicinal’s
Nighty Night tea. If your child takes medicine for
ADHD, talk to your health care provider about using
melatonin. A number of studies show that –• mg
sustained-release melatonin can help counter sleep
problems associated with psychostimulants.

BN: What are some of your favorite natural
remedies for helping kids stay healthy?

TLD: Many kids benefit from a basic multivi-
tamin during the school season. Look for one
that contains —– percent of the DV (daily

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