OK! Magazine UK – 29 July 2019

(Nandana) #1

‘Archie seems
excited so I’m sure
he’ll be a great big
brother,’ says Mikey

Mikey: The first time, I think my words were: ‘F,
, f***’ [laughs]. It wasn’t as dramatic this time.

Does Archie understand he’s going to be a
big brother?
Mikey: Yes, he gets it! He told our parents for us.
Rachael: His talking was just coming on at the
time and he said: ’Baby, Mummy, tummy!’ We’ve
got a few books about little boys who get baby
sisters, so that helps.
Mikey: I hated becoming a big brother myself. I
used to demand one-on-one time with my mum.
But Archie seems excited so I’m sure he’ll be a
great big brother.

How did you feel when you found out you
were having a girl?
Rachael: I already knew it was a girl because of
the cravings. With Archie it was all savoury but
this time it’s ice cream and milkshakes.
Mikey: We had to find out – we’re too impatient!
I’m not bothered what we have, as long as they
sleep this time. For all his good qualities, sleeping
has not been one of Archie’s strong points!

How is Archie sleeping now?
Mikey: It’s getting better. We finally got it nailed
when he turned two, then we went away for
three nights at Christmas and that ruined it.
Rachael: Then we moved house and that
didn’t help either. But he’s preparing me for the
sleepless nights again.

How has your pregnancy been, Rachael?
The first three months were horrendous with
morning sickness. Well, sickness throughout
the whole day. But, touch wood, since then
everything has been fine. I didn’t have any
sickness with Archie, so I knew this baby was
going to be a different gender.

You had a dramatic labour with Archie.
[Rachael lost 1.5 litres of blood when a
vein was accidentally severed during an
episiotomy.] How are you feeling about the
second time around?
Rachael: A little bit apprehensive, to be honest.
But I feel more prepared because I know what
contractions feel like and how bad it can be. I’m not
as naïve this time, I guess. What will be will be.

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