OK! Magazine UK – 29 July 2019

(Nandana) #1


adly Love Island is nearly over but
I’m not sure who I want to win. I
really like Ovie [Soko] and Amber
[Gill, left] – if only they’d been a
romantic couple! I think their friendship
is really sweet, and it’s nice to see how
he has been supporting her. Whenever
I watch reality shows it always gets me
thinking how I would feel if one of my
kids wanted to be on one. It feels like
double standards as I sometimes
watch that type of show, but I can’t
say I would be very happy with my
children appearing in one when they
grow up, especially having seen some
of the challenges! I also think it’s such
a huge amount of pressure to open
yourself up to at a relatively young
age. You have to have very thick skin
to cope with the public perception
of you when the show finishes,
especially if it’s not positive. It was
good to hear that Amy [Hart] has
been very happy with the amount of
psychological support she has had
from the team after she left the villa.
I bought a playhouse and slide
[right] for Millie and Theo recently
for the summer. It’s from Dunster

House and it’s gorgeous. They’ve
moved their toys in and just sit and
play together – it’s so sweet! Especially
with the weather being so lovely, it’s
great seeing them play outside. Theo
found a frog in the garden the other
day and picked it up straight away
[bottom]. He was so careful with it, it
was so sweet. I love that he isn’t scared
of things like that.


EMILY’SCOLUMN in association with





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Wiping sticky fi ngers or changing dirty nappies isn’t doing wonders for our environment. As a
parent you need to do things to make your family life a little easier, but the reality is, baby wipes
are clogging up our oceans. By switching to The Cheeky Panda baby wipes, this parenting
chore will be guilt-free. The Cheeky Panda wipes are sourced from bamboo, not from trees, and
are 100% biodegradable, gentle and natural. Perfect for the Earth... and your baby’s bottom!



t’s strange to think that this
time next year Theo will be on
a summer break from nursery.
Millie didn’t start nursery until
after Theo was born, so I’ve
never been at home without
the kids before. I won’t know
what to do with myself! Maybe
I’ll actually get some things
done around the house.
I will still work part-time
because the whole point of me
doing that is so I can be around
for some of the school runs and
things like parents’ evening.
Nursery is so good for
helping with development,

and makes
them more robust. I waited
until Millie was three to send
her to nursery and it was really
great for her confidence. She
was quite shy before but it
made her come of out her
shell. Theo is still very clingy
so I don’t want to rush him
when he turns three, so he’ll
probably start in January. I feel
very lucky that I’m able to work
part-time and have the luxury
of having him at home for a
little longer. He’s definitely a
mummy’s boy! OK!



obbie Williams [right] has been talking
about his battle with agoraphobia, revealing
the condition left him unable to leave the
house for three years and he thought he may
never perform again. Agoraphobia is a form
of anxiety disorder where you fear and avoid
places or situations that might cause you to
panic. The anxiety is often caused by fearing
there isn’t a possibility of being able to escape
from a situation, and for this reason it often leads to sufferers
avoiding public places, especially where it is crowded. It is common
for people with agoraphobia to have experienced panic attacks in
the past, and it can be a fear of having further panic attacks that can
prevent them from leaving home. It’s great to hear Robbie opening
up about this as it’s probably more common than we realise.
Hopefully his honesty will mean people who are struggling with
agoraphobia don’t feel alone.

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