Control Engineering Europe – March 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

22 March 2019 Control Engineering Europe


GigE Vision and beyond

Control Engineering Europe finds out how the GigE Vision standard has evolved
to ensure it continues to meet rapidly changing image data transfer requirements.

GigE Vision has proven to be popular in factory installations where the use of Ethernet cabling and components is common practice.


he GigE Vision standard for the
transfer of image data from a
camera to a host computer was
developed in 2006, following
CameraLink as the second data
transfer standard produced specifically
for the machine vision industry. The
standard is based on Gigabit Ethernet
technology and offers users a number of
key benefits:

  • Data transmission at rates up to 110
    Mb/sec over distances up to 100m,
    using standard Ethernet cables and

  • Compatibility and interchangeability
    of GigE Vision cameras from any

  • The network structure means that
    frame grabbers are not required.

Managed by the AIA trade association
( the GigE
Vision standard has been adopted

globally, with most major industrial
vision hardware and software vendors
having developed products that are
GigE Vision-compliant. Since its launch
it has proven to be particularly popular
in factory installations where the use
of Ethernet cabling and components
is common practice, and because of
the long distances over which images
can be transmitted without repeaters.
However, with the increasing availability
of ever higher resolution CMOS image
sensors and ever faster inspection
speeds, the amount of data needing to
be transferred has increased significantly
and this has led to the need for higher
speed data interfaces.
“The vision industry has reacted to this
need with the development of further
vision standards – notably CameraLink
HS, CoaXPress and most recently, USB3
Vision,” said Allan Anderson, chairman
at the UK Industrial Vision Association

(UKIVA). “While these all offer higher
data transmission rates than GigE Vision,
none can transfer images over similar
distances without the use of special
cables and/or repeaters.
“For applications where the higher
data transfer rates are essential, then
one of the alternatives must be used,
with the associated complexity of
cabling. Nevertheless, GigE Vision
continues to dominate the market,
with a survey conducted in 2018 by one
UKIVA member indicating that GigE
Vision still accounted for over 40%
of the machine vision systems used.
According to Mordor Intelligence, the
GigE camera market was worth $0.81
billion in 2017.”

The need for speed
The GigE Vision standard has evolved
since its original launch. GigE Vision 2.0,
released in 2011, improved the real-time
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