Control Engineering Europe – March 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1


8 March 2019 Control Engineering Europe



Tronrud Engineering produces automation solutions and machines. Among other
things, this Norwegian machine building company has made a name for itself with
its packaging machines. In developing and commissioning these machines, the
company is now taking a completely new direction. Annemarie Loetzsch reports.

programming, installation and
commissioning time – was reduced
by 50%.

Digital twins
Tronrud Engineering had already
relied on products such as Teamcenter,
the NX Suite, TIA Portal and other
digital tools, because it understands
that the implementation of new ideas
and technologies can strengthen the
competitive position of the company.
Tronrud now works consistently with
digital twins and takes full advantage of
virtual commissioning.
All components and electric circuit
diagrams, as well as the entire
automation system at Tronrud
Engineering are now developed in
completely virtual environments. This
allows the behaviour and interaction
of all components to be tested, even at
early stages of development.

By using a fully digital development environment with a digital twin of the new machine,
designers, electrical planners and programmers can work simultaneously on the same project
and exchange information continuously.


he recipe for success of
Tronrud Engineering AS is
simple: supply high quality,
marketable products, always
according to schedule at
affordable prices. In a highly complex
environment like machine building,
however, this can only be done with
an acute intuition for new possibilities,
with the ability to implement new
ideas in the right context and, not
least, with an appropriate measure of
This is fully consistent with the
motto ‘Putting ideas into practice’.
Borne along by this pioneering spirit,
Tronrud Engineering has repeatedly
adopted new approaches over 40
years and has developed from a
one-man business into an agile and
internationally successful machine
building specialist employing 200
people at three locations.
One current example of the
company’s pioneering spirit is a
completely new packaging machine
for pillow bags into which, for
example, potato chips or lettuce leaves
are packed. The new development
takes into account the challenges that
production companies in the food
and beverage industry have to cope
with today: shorter times-to-market,
improved flexibility and efficiency,
as well as a higher product quality.
The demand, above all, is for flexible
machines that operate quickly and
allow a quick changeover between
products. The new packaging machine
is groundbreaking in this respect:
occupying almost the same floor space,
it can pack 300 pillow bags per minute

into cartons – almost twice as many as
the current industry standard.

Digital development
Tronrud Engineering put its trust
in the Digital Enterprise Suite from
Siemens: “The development of the
new packaging machine began with a
presentation model that was created
using NX Mechatronics Concept
Designer (MCD) and TIA Portal”,
explains programming engineer Kjell
Erik Meier.
By using a completely digital
development environment
with a digital twin of the new
machine, designers, engineers and
programmers were able to work on
the same project simultaneously and
continuously exchange ideas. This
meant that the total development
time – in other words the design,
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