Control Engineering Europe – March 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

Machine optimisation
In an initial stage, based on 3D data of
the machine and its components, the NX
Mechatronics Concept Designer is used
to create a mechatronic model which
simulates the physical and kinematic
properties of the machine. This virtual
model is then linked to the actual
PLC program of the real machine for
validation of the entire automation
Advanced virtual controller is used for
this purpose.
By combining these two simulation
models, a digital twin of the actual
application is created, this allows the
machine to be simulated, validated and
optimised until the required behaviour
is achieved. A process of trial-and-error
in the real world becomes unnecessary.
All knowledge gained, as well as faults
discovered, can be used for optimisation
before the actual production begins.
The advantages of virtual
commissioning are clearly demonstrated
by Tronrud Engineering’s new packaging
machine, because there are two
kinematic systems working in it, whose
paths cross. A classic problem area: In the
initial stages of development collisions
are almost inevitable – as is expensive
and time-consuming damage to the
machine in the trial-and-error approach.
“We realised virtual commissioning
with the NX tool and the Mechatronic
Concept Designer and the PLCSIM
Advanced together with TIA Portal”,

said Meier, who was responsible for
the virtual commissioning of the new
machine. “Of course, we had some
virtual crashes, but they were only virtual
ones. Thus the team of developers was
able to work faster but in a more relaxed
way, and the company saved money.”

Lower project risk
The conventional path is a completely
different one, according to Erik Hjertaas,
manager of the Packaging Technology
division at Tronrud Engineering:
“Traditionally you would do the
design, production, assembly – then
the software guy starts to program.
In this case he actually came out with
the software, pushed the button and it
worked. No collisions.”

Control Engineering Europe March 2019 9


Early fault detection
How significantly the virtual
communication reduces the project risk
is described by the rule of tens for fault
costs from the Six Sigma approach. This
helps to calculate the quotas of faults
that occur within a business process and
shows that undetected faults propagate
themselves along the value-added chain.
The later a fault is detected, the
more expensive it is to eliminate. The
costs increase tenfold for each stage of
development. The potential of virtual
commissioning therefore is also immense
in economic terms – particularly for
machine and plant constructors in the
initial stage, but beyond that for all
manufacturing companies.
There is a reduction in time, risks and
costs during the actual commissioning
also, thanks to the virtual commissioning
in advance with NX MCD. Tor Morten
Stadum, PLM manager at Tronrud
Engineering, explains the advantages of
the parallel execution of development
phases in an interdisciplinary team:
“We have shortened the design phase
by about 10% and the commissioning
phase by about 20 to 20%. This is a
decisive factor for us, because the
shortening of working times in the
assembly shop enables us to produce
more machines.”!
Annemarie Loetzsch is marketing
manager virtual commissioning
at Siemens.

The new packaging machine from Tronrud Engineering is groundbreaking: it packs twice as fast as
the industry standard while requiring almost the same amount of space as before.

Virtual commissioning on the Digital Twin enabled the development team to work
faster, faster and more relaxed.
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