9 () 11 Listen and complete the hotel feedback form based on the conversation between a hotel
receptionist and the customer checking out.
Customer name:
Room number: - - - ---
Please indicate how much you enjoyed your stay overall:
o not at all 0 It was OK. 0 quite a lot 0 very much
Please tell us what you liked about your stay:
Please tell us what you would change or improve about your stay:
Which of the following reflect your check-out experience?
The bill was correct. / incorrect. --------------------------
Staff were helpful. / unhelpful. _~~~ _ _ ~~ __ ~_~~ _ _ _ ~~ __ _
It was quick and easy. / slow and complicated. ______ ___________ _
Other (please specify).
Would you consider a return visit to our hotel?
Would you recommend our hotel to friends or family?
Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions and comments.
o maybe
o maybe
10 Imagine you are Mr Lewis. Write an online review for the Acorn Hotel based on the information in the
feedback form. You should:
- give your review a title, which reflects your overall experience
- describe the good points
- describe the things to improve/change
- say if you would return/recommend the hotel to others
- provide any further useful information
am enities /g'mi:mtiz/ ______________ ~ insurance /m'Imrgns/ _______ ___ _
b alance /b<eldl1S/ _ ____ ________ _ midweek /mrd'wi:k/ _____________ _
cancellation /k<enSg'lelIn/ _ _________ _ overseas /guvg'si:z/ ___________ _
complimentary /kDmpLI'mentri/ _______ _ refund /ri:fAnd/ ______ _______ _
currency /kAfdnsi/ ___________ _ reservation /rezg'verIn/ __________ _
di scount /drskaunt/ ____________ _
disease /dl'zi:z/ risk
expiry /Ik'spargri/ ____ ________ _ signature /slgmtIg(r)/ __________ _
fee to upgrade /tg Ap'grerd/ _____. ______ _
h ealth wise /he18 walz/ __________ _ transfer /tr<ens'f3:(r)/ _ _ _________ _
immunization /rmjunar'zerIn/ ________ _ vaccination /v<eksI'neIIn/ ___ ______ _
inconvenience /mbn'vi:nigns/ ________ _ visa /vi:zg/ _ _____________ ~