
(Wang) #1

1 () 17 Listen to a bar manager and a barman doing a bar inventory and complete the following table.



bottles of gin
bottles of vodka
bottles of dark rum
bottles of light rum
bottles of whisky
bottles of bourbon
bottles of brandy
bottles of dry white
bottles of sweet white
bottles of dry red
bottles of sweet red
bottles of rose
bottles of champagne
cases of bottled beer

Quantity Number
in stock to order

3 o


bottles of creme de cacao
bottles of creme de menthe
bottles of cointreau
bottles of amaretto
bottles of sambuca
Hot drinks
packets of tea
packets of coffee
packets of hot chocolate
Soft drinks/Mixers
cartons of fruit juice:
cases of lemonade
cases of cola
cases of soda
cases of tonic
cases of mineral water

Quantity Number
in stock to order

12 Your bar manager asked you to write an email ordering the things that were missing from the bar
inventory. Do not forget to ask for bottles, cases, boxes, etc.
Dear Geoff,
I'm sending you an urgent order for ...
Best wishes

to be rotten /t'd bi 'rot'dn/ _________ _ liqueur /lI'kjU'd/ ____________ _
bottle opener Ibot'dl ''dUp'dl1'd/ ______ _ long bar spoon /lm) ba: spu:n/ _______ _
carton Ika:tn/ _____ _ lounge bar/ saloon bar /laund3 ba:/ /s'd'lu:n bo:/
case /kels/ mixer Imlks'd/ _____________ _
chilled /tJIld/ ___ _ old-fashioned glass /,'duld'freJ'dnd glo:s/ ____ _
corkscrew Ib:kskru:/ ____ _ paring knife Ipe'drJI) naIf/
foil cutter /f:)!1 'kAt'd/ pineapple Ipamrep'dl/
to garnish /t'd gO:J1IJ/ pool /pu:l/
goblet Igobl'dt/ __ spirit IsplJ'lt/
ice bucket /als 'bAbt/ well-stocked /,wel'stokt/
lager Ilo:g'd/ wine bar /wam bo:/_
light refreshments /laIt n'freJI11'dnt/ __
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