Scale Military Modeller International – August 2019

(coco) #1

dry, small spots of yellow ochre and
white oil paint was then blended with
white spirit into areas that I thought
needed more contrast. The painted-
on markings were now either sprayed
on after masking as on the barrel or
hand painted in black. After two thin
coats of Humbrol Gloss, I placed on the
only decals I wanted to use and just
changed the serial number slightly.
These were glossed over once dry
and it was time to add a wash. For
desert vehicles I tend to use more
browns and greys so after mixing

and thinning the oils with White Spirit
I then set about laying in the colours in
and around all detail. After about ten
minutes of drying I removed any areas
where the wash wasn’t wanted with a
clean brush and spirit. With a small lat
brush, I then dragged some of the wash
around the bolt detail on the explosive
armour so show running dirt stains.
Scratches and chipping were done by
using Vallejo White, Sand and
Greens, as well as some oil
shades, applying these marks
with a inely pointed brush
and some kitchen sponge. I
wanted the vehicle to look

really worn as per some of the images I
have, so I spent a fair bit of time on this
process. More oils of various dark and
sand shades were used to dot on the
armour and then dragged down with a
lat brush dampened in oils. Light sand
oils were now dry brushed to highlight
the raised detail and when dry, olive
green also brushed onto some areas of
wear. The edges of the brush used was
run along some of the straight edges
just to catch a bit of this darker colour.
The tracks were painted in Vallejo
Oily Steel, washed in a sepia oil mix
then the outer and inner rubber pads
painted in Vallejo Panzer Grey and the
edges washed in Life Colour Rust paint,
thinned with tap water. The rubber on
the was now picked out in Humbrol
Black 33 with some lesh oil colour
mixed in. All the periscopes were
then painted in a very
dark green and
given a darker
green wash. AK
Interactive Matt
varnish was now
sprayed over to
dull everything
down then the
lights that had
been painted
and the


desert shield
USMC Mighty Marine
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