Scale Military Modeller International – August 2019

(coco) #1

The decals were cut from the sheet as near to the markings as possible
then placed on with some Tamiya decal ixer. Another coat of varnish
was layered on to them and then a wash mixed from Humbrol 72
mixed with white oil paint and thinned with white spirit. This
was then painted into all recesses, panel lines and around
bolts etc. Just before it had dried, I damped a wide lat brush
in spirit and dragged this down the hulls sides to give an
appearance of dust runs.
A coat of AK Interactive Matt was next to be sprayed
on and all the masking removed. The tracks were now
given a coat of Vallejo Oily Steel and then a wash of
thinned Sepia oil paint and the track edges washed
in rust colour from the Lifecolor range. The teeth
were then picked out in silver from an old Tamiya
paint pen. The rubber on the wheels was
painted in a very dark grey before turning
my attention to the upper hull again. The
periscopes and the sight to the right of
the gun were picked out in a very dark
green/black colour and then glossed
with varnish. More dust wash was then
added here and there before the
whole vehicle was dry brushed in a
green mixed from oil paints. This
helped make the anti- slip texture
and other details really stand out.
Tamiya XF-57 Buf was now sprayed
up the sides of the lower hull as well
as darker gloss browns to the lower
front of the hull. The rubber pads on
the track faces were now painted in
the same grey as the wheels. The rear
lights were now painted by checking


modellers masterclass
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