Scale Military Modeller International – August 2019

(coco) #1
out using an icing sugar rolling-pin
before being cut to size and put in
place. I made sure I could remove the
recognition panel for painting later. To
inish of I sanded and illed the two
pieces barrel a few times to hide the
seam then used the Dremel tool to add
wear to the track pads and that was her
ready for the painting.
Whilst I do like building kits, painting
is the fun part for me. After washing
the model in washing up liquid to
remove any dust and grease and after
drying the irst coat of primer I decided

to use was black, over this white used
to highlight upper areas and panels
that would attract light. With regards
about the sand colour. I was reading
accounts from veterans that they pretty
much used whatever sand paint was
available. So, I did to, I sprayed Vallejo
Dark Sand into the areas needing
shading and then a mix of their Buf
and Pale Sand onto the upper surfaces,
also picking out certain armour panels
for darker and lighter colours. Over
this I misted a heavily thinned coat
of Tamiya X24 Clear Yellow. Once


desert shield
USMC Mighty Marine

Dry brushing with oils

Adding chips and scuffs with a sponge

Oils mixed ready for detailing

Streaking added to the bolts and colour being added to the tracks

The track pads being painted in dark greys

Starting to paint details onto the stowage

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