Model Aircraft – August 2019

(avery) #1
of the Aluminium work, I toned down the shine
and added some texture with white pastels.
Other parts of the model got some oil leak
staining, such as under the cowl where it joins
the fuselage, and I weathered the stars and bars
on the fuselage a little since that area would
have received a lot of human interaction while
on the ground.
Work could now begin on the
smaller parts, such as building
and painting the undercarriage.
These were painted in Vallejo Dull

Aluminium, and then weathered with Tamiya
panel line washes. The bombs were then built
and painted with a Tamiya Olive Drab and
aged a little with a rough white pastel and a
paintbrush. After installation of the machine
guns, aerial mast and gear doors and wheels, I
added a inal coat of Vallejo Matt to tone down
the Aluminium further. The inal stages were to
remove the masks from the canopy sections,
and apply an Eduard canopy mask, and paint
this in Tamiya Flat Blue. After removal of the
masks, the canopy was glued in the open
position with Krystal Clear, and an aerial cable
was made out of stretched sprue to complete
the build. MA




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