Model Aircraft – August 2019

(avery) #1
Medium Green. I then added a few
drops of Traic White to this and
did some post-shading to give the
paintwork some variation in colour. I
then masked the second colour area
using very thinly rolled out Blu-Tac
sausages and then airbrushed on the
second colour, Hataka European Green,
adding same post shading as before.
Then the third colour Hataka NATO Black
was applied, again following the same
procedure before. The sub-assemblies were
all then painting in their respective colours
and everything was left to thoroughly dry.
Next a coat of Hataka Gloss was airbrushed
onto all the parts, and once fully dry the decals
were added. I then added a dark grey oil

F-104G German Air Force

F-104F German Air Force


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