Model Aircraft – August 2019

(avery) #1

added rivet detail as required with a ‘Rosie the
Riveter’ tool.
I was now ready t paint, and the irst job
was to add a coat of Ammo by MIG One Shot
Black Primer. Then I coated the entire aircraft
with Alclad Black Primer and Micro Filler. I then
sprayed the engines using numerous colours
including Alclad Steel, Magnesium, Pale Burnt
Metal, Burnt Iron and Jet Exhaust in a random
fashion. The access panels were then coated
in Steel and Pale Burnt Metal. After the initial
coat was dry, I sprayed on some Alclad Hot
Metal colours, mostly blue, but also some red
and Carbon and Burnt Carbon. The engines
were then masked-of and the rest of the plane
painted. This was a challenge, with so many
lines of rivets that needed to stand out, and the
model needing to look like the paint had been
removed. My base-layer of choice was Alclad
Airframe Aluminium, and a few other shades
of Alclad metallics were sprayed on to simulate




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