Model Aircraft – August 2019

(avery) #1


he F/A-18 Hornet family has, over the
years evolved into a multi-task ‘jack
of all trades’ aircraft, with numerous
roles in its arsenal, from leet air
defence, ground attack and all the
way through to electronic warfare. The Hornet
in question here are based on the Advanced
Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance System lown
by the US Marine Corps, commonly known
as ATARS, and these aircraft can provide high
resolution digital imagery, day or night, via the
dedicated palletised equipment located in the
nose of the aircraft.
This is one of Kinetics most recent releases,
and adds another highly detailed Hornet to the
company’s portfolio of F/A-18s. The large box
is adorned with the Kinetic ‘Gold’ logo hinting
at extra goodies inside, and on examining the

contents you can quickly see this is a detailed
and reined ofering, with exceptionally
inessed engraved detail. Kinetic have obviously
tried to squeeze every last Hornet variant from
their mouldings, and the subtle diferences
across the leet are inside the box, with extra
parts including optional nose and vertical
stabilisers, as well as the dedicated parts for the
ATARS aircraft. This has to be a positive move for
the modeller, and particularly for Hornet fans,
as you will be able to build a leet of modern,
quality kits from the early ‘A’ types, through
to the two-seater ‘Ds’, with Navy, Marine and
foreign operators covered. But is there a price
to pay for this lexibility? Initial viewing of the
sprues does indicate a complex build process,
with potential alignment issues...we shall see.
To do such a quality kit justice I thought I’d

go for a ‘straight-from-the-box’ build, using only
the manufacturer supplied components. So, this
process began with the cockpit. Out of the box,
the detail displayed in this area is excellent, the
two-seater oice has delicate, raised console
elements, and this comes complete with
separate side wall parts. Similarly, the moulding
on the front and rear instrument panels is
intricate and beautifully inessed with two
multipart ejection seats with separate etched
harness parts, complete the look. Keeping
weathering to a minimum, I airbrushed the tub
with Mission Models Light Ghost Grey, and once
dry the consoles were masked and given a coat
of Mission Models Tyre Black. The tiny, raised
buttons and switches were then picked out with
a ine brush in white, grey and red acrylics. The
completed cockpit sits in a dedicated position

Recce Stinger

Mac Patterson builds the
1:48 Kinetic F/A-18D ATARS

Mission Models Masterclass

Manufacturer: Kinetic
Scale: 1:4 8
K i t Ty p e: Plastic injection moulded with etch
Kit Number: 48033



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