Model Airplane International – August 2019

(backadmin) #1



So, with paint and gloss coats drying, it was
time for some refreshment...

Sunday 13:30-15:30
Coffee and sandwiches consumed it was on
to decals. I moved the work station to the
coffee table in the front room as the classic

James Bond fi lm ‘Thunderball’ was on TV, so
it was a welcome distraction to the tedium of
decal application. It also meant I could spend
Sunday afternoon time with the family rather
than being ensconced within the workshop.
While the movie played out the decals were
given time to settle and dry as we opted to put

the kettle on for a much needed brew.

Sunday 16:30 -18:00
With the decals dry, I mixed up an artists oil
wash to apply around the airframe to accent
the fi ne rivet details and panel lines, this was
applied and left to fl ash off. The
undercarriage legs were
fi nished up with their decals
applied and sealed in for
weathering. The propeller
and spinner were then
attached to the cooling fan
section, the spinner also
receiving some chipping
with a sharpened pencil and
the aforementioned wash.
The wash was now dry enough
to remove the excess with some dry
kitchen paper and polish the airframe
to help the pigment in the oils add some
The model was propped upon a couple of
paint pots whilst the undercarriage was fi tted
into place and secured with medium viscosity

Cowl covers and guns in place, decals on and dry and the wash to highlight the panel lines and
rivets all in place. Now we are getting somewhere!

The undercarriage legs fi tted easily and positively, as did the wheels. Here, they are all setting up
at the correct rake and toe-in. Note the holes on the leading edges waiting for guns to be fi tted.
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