Model Airplane International – August 2019

(backadmin) #1


Issue 169 - 51

This was all left to dry and cure for an hour
or so while we had our dinner.

Sunday 19:00-20:30
Onto the home stretch and I was hoping to get
this wrapped by 21:00.
With all major painting, decals, weathering
and washes all dry and cleaned up, it was
time for a fi nishing matt varnish to seal
everything and add uniformity to the fi nish. In
recent times a few of my peers have realised

something I had been using for a while now,
that artists acrylic varnishes can be used by
us modellers with great effect. Being cheaper,
and somewhat easier to get hold of than some
of the bespoke modelling brands, they can be
found in most high street art stores. Winsor &
Newton Galeria varnish is available in gloss,
satin and matt fi nishes, it’s water soluble and
very forgiving. It can be applied with a paint
brush or through the airbrush if thinned 50:50
with acrylic thinners; I use Tamiya X-20A,

but have also sprayed it successfully with
Isopropyl alcohol as a thinner.
The biggest plus point is the speedy drying
time, being dry enough to allow you to handle
the model within 10-15 mins of spraying it.
With the varnish dry and some exhaust
staining carefully airbrushed on it was just a
matter of adding the tail wheel, canopy, prop
and an aerial wire from rigging thread so I
could wrap up this weekend build just before
20:30 on a Sunday evening. ■


I think I have proven (not beyond all reasonable doubt, it has to be said) that a Weekend kit can actually
be built in a weekend! It is only a premise that Eduard use as a selling point, but if you were so inclined
I hope I have shown that a decent model can be built in a relatively short space of time.
I am not sure that I would really do that much different if I built in over the normal timeframe that I
build to, but that is testament to the mould quality and fi t of the kit, it really is a foolproof model after
all is said and done.
Most of all it was a fun little challenge which did not see me chained to the workshop for the whole weekend
period, on the contrary I had some family time, watched fi ve episodes of a Netfl ix series and fi tted in a Bond
Whether other kits in the Eduard Weekend range could be built in under 48hrs is not something I can confi rm
with any confi dence as there are more complex kits, but it might be worth a try?
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