Model Airplane International – August 2019

(backadmin) #1



Brassin range and the Wheels were stunning
resin from Def-Models. The propeller comes
with a jig ensuring the blades face the right
direction and are set at the right angle. I
primed the blades using Mr. Surfacer and
painted the tips yellow. I then added masks
for the tips provided in the Maketar set, before
painting the blades black and the hub red. The
hub was placed in the jig and each blade glued
in place using Ammo Slow Dry superglue,
made by Colle 21.
The wheels were removed from their casting
blocks, tidied up, before being primed. I the
painted the hubs white and the actual tyres
using Mr. Hobby Tire Black. Once these had
dried I applied a black was to the details in
the hub and to the tread of the tyre. I then
used Dust Oil Brushers to bring out the tyre
pattern and give it a build-up of dust. These
assemblies were all set aside to await fi nal
To paint the fuselage I used the techniques I
had already used on the front cowl and on the
outer wings. Prime, pre-shade, paint, seal. The
main colours went on without any real trouble

leaving me at the
stage to once
again add
the national
markings to
both sides of
the fuselage. I
experienced similar
issues to the wings in
getting the masks applied without tearing
and in the correct proportions. I decided to
lay the red colour down fi rst, then the white
and fi nally blue. I painted the vertical stabiliser
Intermediate Blue and added the “Big Hog”
words using a vinyl mask included with the set.
The airframe was then ready to give a gloss
coat, ready to add the stencil decals. Once
these had been added I gave the airframe its
panel line wash, and then a fl at coat ready for
fi nal weathering.

Finishing Off
I have seen many photos of heavily weathered
Corsairs and wanted to try and replicate this
effect. I used Ammo OilBrushers White and

Deep Blue and Light grey
from Abteilung, adding
fi ne dabs of paint to the
front surface of each panel
before blending it in. There
was a sizeable fuel stain to add to
the upper forward fuselage, as this tank was
notorious for leaking. I added stains from
various leaks using Rust Oil Brusher blended
slightly and a build-up of dust to the wing root.
I added chipping to the walkway sections using
a Prismacolor silver pencil. The exhaust stains
on the lower fuselage were added in. This left
me at the stage of putting everything together,
and with that the model was fi nished. ■

Using a Prismacolor Silver Pencil to add the chipping on the wing root. Exhaust stains airbrushed on using browns and blacks.

words using a vinyl mask included with the set.

from Abteilung, adding

I added chipping to the walkway sections using
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