Model Airplane International – August 2019

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to hand for most of the build, a possible chore
if you don’t have the space or indeed, if you
don’t have a mobile device or a computer in
the same room. For an improvement in speed
you might want to download the fi les to ease
accessibility. The only alternative will be to
print the information out. It would be extremely
diffi cult to complete the model without careful
consideration of the instructions, following the
steps as outlined given the complexities of the
construction, so easy access to them has to be
given some serious thought.

The quality of the parts is second to none,
the white metal parts requiring no cleaning up,
which is just as well as there are quite a few of
them. These cover the more substantial parts
of the aircraft, whilst the laser cut plywood and
photo-etch components deal in the main with
the skeletal structure. The Le Clerget engine
and Vickers guns are impressive as is the
cockpit as a whole, whilst the metal struts and
undercarriage provide the necessary support
for the large model. Surprisingly the control
panel is just one singular casting, considering

the efforts that are made to replicate this com-
ponent in a range of media in smaller scales.
However, with careful painting, and by using
the decals provided it does look convincing.
There is an awful lot of wood provided for
the framework, either as pre-cut parts, or as
additional lengths that need to be cut to add to
the structure. A nice touch is the provision of a
jig amongst the laser cut parts, which will help
set the lower wings to the correct dihedral,
and of course in turn, assist the location of the
upper wing when attached. Also amongst the
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