Golf Monthly UK – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Senior director of product
creation, TaylorMade

Do you CT test different points on
the face or just the centre?
Not every club goes through the
multi-point test on the face, it’s only
about one in 20 heads where we CT
test different parts of the face. Most
heads just get CT tested on one part of
the face.

With different amounts of resin
going into each head, will the draw/
fade bias be different in each?
No, the draw/fade bias won’t be
affected by the speed-tuning process,
and while there will be different
amounts of resin in each head, it won’t
be enough to affect the swing weight.
We have other processes, like hot
melting, to make sure we get all the
head weights the same.

What happens if your golf ball
strikes the face near or on the
screws themselves?
The durability of the screws was really
important for us and we have done a
tonne of testing and not seen any
failures. If anything, we’ve over-
engineered them so they will stay in
the club and not affect performance.

Can you take the screws out and
alter the resin?
It’s actually impossible to reverse-
engineer this process. The only way to
get the resin out would be to destroy
the club completely and the ports
themselves are impossible to remove
as well – you’ll rip the screw threads
just trying to undo them so they’re
not going to come out.

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