Golf Monthly UK – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Like any code of behaviour, golf’s
etiquette has evolved over time,
developing to refl ect changing
attitudes and culture. To talk about
golf etiquette might sound like a
throwback, the word itself
conjuring images of plus fours and
dressing for dinner. But forget the
word. Modern golfi ng etiquette is
the glue that holds the sport
together, delivering camaraderie
between players through a basic
structure of polite consideration for
others. This isn’t stuff y, it’s simply a

way to make golf as enjoyable as
possible for all. Here we consider
ten features of golfi ng etiquette
that very much have a place within
the modern game.

Phones on silent
Here’s an example of the evolution
of golfi ng etiquette. In the early
days of the mobile phone, most
clubs banned their use completely.
That’s not sensible in this day and
age when communication is so
intrinsic to life. People like to check
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