Willmington’s Falcon clipped the Mazda in the
high-speed kink and Moffat headed for a large
bush that unfortunately concealed a metre-wide
tree stump. The Mazda stopped instantly and
violently, and Moffat was taken away with a
broken hand and sternum.
After three months on the sidelines, Moffat
returned for the enduranceraces,winningat
Oran Park and nishing second at Sandown,
third at Bathurst and second at Surfers to wrap
up the Australian Endurance Championship.
Mazda’s nal shot at winning Bathurst
ended almost before it began when Steve
Masterton (Falcon) hit Moffat after the start
and sent the Stuyvesant RX7 (interestingly,
back on carburetors) into a wall of death act
onthe barrier before Hell Corner. Another
ccident further back caused a restart, but
herepaired RX7 had a fractured oil line
ndwas out after only 15 laps. Thankfully,
withjust such a setback in mind, the team
adentered a second car and Moffat and
Hansford raced hard all the way to the end,
butthey were no match for the dayglo MHDT
As a nal send-off, Mazda sent one of the
RX7s to Daytona, where Moffat and Hansford
were joined for the 24 Hour by Kevin Bartlett and
PeterMcLeod,a prominentMazdadealerand
in ninth place outright at the 16-hour mark, well
clear of its class rivals, when McLeod crashed.
The car was repaired but the engine later
swallowed a stone and retired.
It was apt that an exotic era of local touring car racing ended for Moffat with a trip to the famed Daytona 24 Hou
race in 1985 with one of his own cars. This colourful time – mirroring Rothmans executive Ian Kleeman’s jacket
(left) – still draws adverse reaction from fans today, as you will read in next issue’s Muscle Mail.
Moffat Collection