Woman’s Weekly UK – 23 July 2019

(Brent) #1



solves more

problems than

it causes’

Technology – do you love it or loathe it? Rachel Ogden

explains why she buys all the latest gadgets, and finds

out why Liz still prefers the old-fashioned ways!

Rachel Ogden, 40, from
South Yorkshire, is a
freelance journalist. She’s
married and has two cats.
‘I never made a conscious
decision to have a lot of
technology. It started with
my first smartphone – and
it snowballed from there.
I have several gadgets
that I can control from
a device, including my
central heating (great
for switching it on if I’m
arriving home early so
the house is toasty the
moment I walk in), plugs
and lightbulbs (so I can
schedule lights and the
TV to switch on and off
when I’m away), a smoke
alarm (being able to
shush it from the kitchen
is genius), a smart speaker,
and a security system that
can be disarmed from my
phone so I don’t have to
rush to the keypad when
I walk in.
My favourite piece of
tech, though, is a driveway
camera. It may sound silly
but seeing that my cats are
coming and going when

I’m away is reassuring –
especially if my neighbours
haven’t spotted them for a
day or two. It also catches
couriers who leave packages
by the bins, so I know where
to look for them later!

However, I know that
I can live without all of it

  • I’m just realistic that life
    with technology means
    I can be anywhere in the
    world without ever feeling
    too far from home.’

‘There are


stresses in

life without


adding to it’

Liz Mendlesohn, 65,
from Greater London, is a
retired teaching assistant
and full-time grandmother.
She has three adult sons
and four grandchildren.
‘It seems that the more
high-tech things people
have, the more stressed
they become when those
gadgets don’t do what
they want. I often see
people getting cross with
their mobile phone. There
are enough stresses in life
without adding to it.
I have a mobile phone,
but it doesn’t have the
internet. When I first tried
to learn how to text,
I didn’t pick it up. Then
one of my sons told me
that he needed me to be

I can see my cats

coming and going with

a driveway camera

28 womansweekly.com

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