NW Magazine – July 15, 2019

(Wang) #1

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Congeniality, but there’ll
be no more Miss Nice Spice
if rumours her boyfriend
Bryan Randall is texting
two former flames prove
to be true!
It’s been claimed that
an ex-girlfriend of Bryan’s
started messaging him over
social media a few months
ago. Not long after, a second
ex began reaching out on
another online platform.
“How are his exes
still able to send him
messages? They should
have been blocked long
ago!” wonders an insider.
“We’re really worried this
will send Sandra into an
emotional tailspin!”
And for good reason.
Sources say Sandra, 54,
never fully recovered from
ex-husband Jesse James’
multiple affairs. His
cheating was revealed
in 2010, just days after
Sandra won her Oscar
for The Blind Side.
“When all those women
started coming out of the

Jesse, Sandra was left
broken,” tells the source.
She eventually found
happiness again when she
started dating Bryan in

  1. They met when he
    photographed her son Louis’
    birthday party. But he’s got
    skeletons in his closet too!
    Bryan, a former druggie
    and accused deadbeat dad,
    was arrested for a DUI in
    1988, for which he pleaded
    guilty. Then in 1990, he
    reportedly went on a
    four-day bender that
    left him hospitalised
    for severe dehydration.
    Despite his checkered
    past, family insists Bryan
    has been clean and sober
    for more than a decade.
    “Sandra’s crazy in love
    with Bryan. But her friends
    fear she’s going to get
    her heart broken,” dishes
    the source. “There’s no
    evidence Bryan has
    cheated, but it doesn’t
    look good and it will
    bring up Sandra’s old
    trust issues all over again.”


wedding, but it’s not going
to happen unless she
secures that annulment
from Gavin,” continues
the source. “The church
cannot condone a marriage
after a divorce – unless the
marriage isn’t recognised
Gavin refuses to say their
marriage never existed.”
As a matter of course,
the church reached out
to Gavin, 53, after Gwen
applied for the annulment
and sources say he went
absolutely ballistic when
they explained to him what
it meant. Eek!
“Gavin isn’t going to
pretend he wasn’t married
just because it makes
Gwen’s life easier,” the
source dishes. “He thinks
it’s wrong and stupid on so

many levels. He isn’t going
to let Gwen sweep their
marriage under the rug.”
While an annulment
wouldn’t mean their three
sons would be deemed
illegitimate, Gavin –
who split from Gwen in
2015 amid rumours he’d
cheated on her with the
family nanny – still
refuses to budge.
“This is turning into a
disaster,” says the source.
Meanwhile, 43-year-old

  • couldn’t care less about
    getting married in a
    church. However, he’s
    getting antsy because the
    squabble between the exes
    has thrown a wrench in
    their wedding plans!
    Something’s gotta give...
    and fast! ■

Gavin refuses to sign
on the dotted line
when it comes to
Gwen’s annulment


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