Amateur Photographer - UK (2020-03-21)

(Antfer) #1

38 21 March 2020 I I subscribe 0330 333 1113




When was the club founded?
On 6 March 1888 a group of keen
photographers met to form the first photographic
society in Ipswich and one of the first in the
country. This year Ipswich & District Photographic
Society (IDPS) will be 132 years old.

What does your club offer to new members?
IDPS welcomes new members regardless of
current knowledge, skill or experience. We all
love producing pictures, seeing each other’s
work and learning from one another.
As well as our regular club nights we hold
practical sessions that allow people to get
advice on how to improve their photographs,
understand their camera better, learn new
skills, or learn about different genres from
members with specialist know-how. These
sessions are held on a Wednesday evening
about six times a year and we have four all-day

Members of this

132-year-old club enjoy

a varied programme




meetings on a Sunday. For our competitions
we have two categories – intermediate and
advanced. New members would normally
start in the intermediate group (unless they
hold a distinction or would prefer to join the
advanced group) and when they are ready,
they can progress to the advanced group.
One of the highlights of the club’s year is
when we all come together to present our
work to the public in our annual exhibition.
This is something new members can be
part of and present their photographs to the
local community.

Describe a typical club meeting.
We meet each week on a Monday, from
September through to May. Our meeting
starts at 7.30pm and finishes around 9.40pm
with a half-hour break for tea/coffee and
mixing with fellow members. We have five

1 I Only Cleaned Them
Last Week! by David
Schenck A masterful
still-life that has echoes
of an Old Master.

2 Alley by Russell
Hynard Proof that any
subject can work – the
purple bins lead the eye
across the frame.



5 6

5 Nightshift by Jamie
Bird Challenging light
conditions have been well
controlled, showing a hive
of industry at night.

6 Blue Pebble by Barry
Freeman The wonderful
textures and patterns of
the sand provide an
engrossing background.
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