year’s premiumfirst
Petguardis a tradingstyleofThistleInsuranceServicesLimited.ThistleInsuranceServicesLimitedis authorisedandregulatedbytheFinancialConductAuthority.FRN310419.
Lloyd’sBroker.Registeredin EnglandunderNo. 00338645 Registeredoffice: Rossington’s Business Park, West Carr Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 7SW. TI Media (Ltd) is
an Appointed Representative of Thistle Insurance Services Limited.
Whether it’san accidentoutin thefield, a suddenillnessoran injury,
petGuard can help provide the protection you need for your working dog.
- Fourlevelsofannualvetfee coverupto£7,500
- 10%discountif youinsuremorethanonedog with us
- Cover availablefordogsover2 months old
- Option toaddThirdPartyLiabilityCover,providingfinancialcoverupto
£1millionperevent(£250excessapplies), if your dog causes injury or
property damage to a third party.
Visit http://www.petguard.co.uk/thefield
Or call 0345 450 7042