Rome, the Greek World, and the East, Vol. 3 - The Greek World, the Jews, and the East

(sharon) #1

 Rome and the East

next sentence Eusebius gives the death of the bishop Demetrianus at Anti-
och, and his succession by Paul; a later legend, too readily believed, relates
that Demetrianus was in fact carried into captivity by Shapur.^125 Jerome’s
Chronicleplaces the election of Paul in .^126 Paul’s heretical tendencies were
evidently not long in showing themselves, for a synod convened to consider
them some three or four years later. The approximate date can be confidently
established: among the bishops invited was Dionysius of Alexandria, who
excused himself on the grounds of age and feebleness, and wrote a letter ex-
posing Paul’s errors, but then ‘‘at that time [he] died, in the twelfth year of
Gallienus’’ (/ or /).^127 There is no reason to doubt that the synod
took place in about . The upshot of the synod was a promise by Paul, not
fulfilled, to abandon his errors.^128
The date of the decisive synod is more difficult to establish. InHE, , ,
Eusebius records together the death of Gallienus (), the reign of Claudius,
and the accession of Aurelian (). He then passes on, with the expression
‘‘at that [i.e., time],’’ to the affair of Paul (, , ). Various converging items
of evidence combine, however, to suggest that the synod in fact took place
over the winter of /.^129 Jerome’sChronicle^130 places the deposition of Paul
in the year before the nd Olympiad (), and this date is reflected also
in Zonaras, who makes the episode approximately contemporary with the
death of Gallienus.^131 In the declaration against Nestorius posted up at Con-
stantinople in /, Eusebius, the later bishop of Dorylaeum, referred to the
excommunication of Paul  years before^132 —so, if taken precisely, /.
The letter of the synod itself contains two clues. It is addressed to Diony-
sius, bishop of Rome, who died on  or  December .^133 It may be that

. The tale is given in the ArabicChronicle of Seert(Patr. Or. IV, –). See Bardy
(n. ), ff., and Downey (n. ), , and M. L. Chaumont, ‘‘Les Sassanides et la christiani-
sation de l’Empire iranien au IIIesiècle de notre ère,’’Rev. Hist. Rel.  (): . There
is not the slightest reason to prefer such a source to the plain statement of Eusebius.
. Jerome,Chron., ed. Helm, .
. Euseb.,HE, , ; ,  (cf. , ). For the problem of Gallienus’ regnal years, see
E. Manni, ‘‘Note di epigrafia gallieniana,’’Epigraphica (): .
. Euseb.,HE, , .
. See Loofs (n. ), ff.; Bardy (n. ), –.
. Ed. Helm, .
. Zon. , .
. See de Riedmatten (n. ), , . For the text, see E. Schwartz,Acta Concilio-
rumI.., para.  (p. ).
. See O. Bardenwehr,Geschichte der altkirchlichen LiteraturII (), –; cf. C. H.
Turner (n. ), –; L. Duchesne (n. ), .

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