Rome, the Greek World, and the East, Vol. 3 - The Greek World, the Jews, and the East

(sharon) #1
Dura-Europos under Parthian Rule 

Map . Plan of Dura, with location of excavated areas.

. The ‘‘Temple of Artemis’’ (or ‘‘Artemis-Nanaia’’) (H). A column at
the entrance to the pronaosbears an inscription with the Seleucid year
 (/..), naming one Seleucus asstratēgos polēos genearchēs(general
of the army and [?] ruler of the tribes).^39 The earliest reference to a deity
of this temple, however, is an inscription of../, in which a man
with a Semitic name, Abidnēriglos Zabidilaiou (Servant of Nergal[?], son
of Zabidilaios), erected something unspecified ‘‘to Artemis and Apollo the
archēgoi[founders].’’^40 Strictly speaking, we still have no mention of a temple
‘‘of ’’ these deities. Nor do we in the inscription of../, recording the

. Cumont (n. ), , no. ;ReportVI, , see above.
.ReportIII, , no.  SEGVII, no. .
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