Spotlight - 01.2020

(Amelia) #1
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16 Spotlight 1/2020 SOCIETY

concerns or experiences reflected in polit-
ical debate, and that is creating deep dis-
satisfaction with the prevailing political
order. In his view, it is this frustration that
has led to developments such as Brexit,
the election of Donald Trump and the rise
of the far right. What is the unifying char-
acteristic of this distrust and discontent
around the world? Powerlessness.
“People increasingly feel like things are
getting harder for them and those they
care about, and they can’t think of a way
to change that,” Stears says. “They feel a
sense of frustration that, despite all their
personal effort, they can’t make it better.
I think that’s causing a lot of the rage. It
is a global phenomenon of people saying
that politics are not ... responding to our
needs. We need to try something else.”
In western Sydney, ethnically diverse
and lower socio-economic sections of the
population are feeling that discontent.
Thuy Nguyen of the Sydney Alliance, a
coalition of diverse communities, says
that individuals in the region have no
faith in politicians and are of the opinion
that their concerns are neither heard nor

“Western Sydney feels like the periph-
ery,” she says. “It feels like we are on the
margins of the centre, where people actu-
ally have the power and agency to change
their lot in life. I think there is some anger.
When you feel that anger, and you feel
alone, that’s when you look to someone
on TV, the strongman, to solve your prob-
lem. But if you are able in public to tell the
stories of your private pain, and someone
next to you says: ‘I’ve experienced the
same thing’ — and to do that across di-
verse groups — it’s a recognition that all
of us are experiencing the same injustices,
and we can’t blame each other. That’s the
antidote to the rage.”

To fight powerlessness, find power
Nguyen, like many others who were at-
tending the meeting of the Sydney Policy
Lab, is helping to encourage community
resistance and activism to very difficult
problems, such as a lack of affordable
housing, energy and a labour market in
which, for many people, work is becoming
increasingly insecure and low-paid.
“People have woken up to the fact that
the solution to powerlessness is to find

agency [(eIdZEnsi]
, hier: Handlungs­
antidote [(ÄntidEUt]
, Gegengift, Gegenmittel
diverse [daI(v§:s]
, unterschiedlich,
injustice [In(dZVstIs]
, Ungerechtigkeit

lot [lQt]
, Schicksal
margin [(mA:dZIn]
, Randbereich
prevail [pri(veI&l]
, vorherrschen
rage [reIdZ]
, Wu t

Climate change
protests in Sydney,
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