Spotlight - 01.2020

(Amelia) #1

26 Spotlight 1/2020 INDEX

“Would” and “used to”; past
simple and present perfect
The subjunctive mood; run-
ning a meeting 5/19
“Most beautiful”; commu-
nicating with non-native
speakers of English 6/19
“Be used to” with a gerund;
how to start an e-mail 7/19
“Have you got” / “Do you
have”; representing a
company 8/19
“Already” and “yet”; saying
“no” politely 9/19
“Du” and “Sie”; using “Mrs”,
“Miss” and “Ms” 10/19
“Boss” and “Chef”; calming
somebody down 11/19
“A couple”; irregular verbs
Commas; giving presenta-
tions 13/19
Abbreviations “K” and “M”;
being interviewed 14/19

Everyday English
Living with less plastic 1/19
Mental health 2/19
Misunderstandings 3/19
Dialogues about books and
reading 4/19
Dialogues about going to an
art exhibition 5/19
Dialogues about finding a
new home 6/19
A picnic 7/19
At a music festival 8/19
A day at the loch 9/19
An online course 10/19
Work-life balance 11/19
Feeling unwell 12/19
Early retirement 13/19
Keeping in touch 14/19

English Explained
We’ll always have New York
A question of love 2/19
Kool and the apostrophe 3/19
“Just Do It” 4/19
Bob Dylan and the lying lady
Colloquial, yeah, yeah, yeah
A question of love 7/19
Try not to twist your tongue
Once upon a time... 9/19
Be a teacher’s pet! 10/19
Who’s gonna drive you

Just Judi
The beauty of simplicity
Let's talk about me! 13/19
Pronouns are personal 14/19

The Grammar Page
“Could have/needn’t have/
shouldn’t have done” 1/19
“If”, “when” and “in case” 2/19
“Although”,“even though”
and “in spite of” 3/19
Countable and uncountable
nouns 4/19
“As” and “like” 5/19
“Most”, “some”, “all”, “both”...
“Wh-” words with“ever” 7/19
Inversion 8/19
The passive form 9/19
Present participles (verb +
“-ing”) 10/19
Passive reporting verbs 11/19
Expressing obligation 12/19
“If” and “unless” 13/19
“If” and “whether” 14/19

Lost in Translation
McGuffin 1/19
Grapevine 2/19
Middle name 3/19
Hotchpotch 4/19
Weasel words 5/19
Stoked 6/19
Chequered past 7/19
Ride shotgun 8/19
Shambles 9/19
Baggage 10/19
Ride the gravy train 11/19
Tawdry 12/19
Run the gamut 13/19
Aftermath 14/19

Spoken English
Ouch! 1/19
It’s not working! 2/19
Body language 3/19
Being annoyed or angry 4/19
Similarities and differences
It’s out of the question 6/19
I put my foot in it 7/19
I fell flat on my face 8/19
It’s on the tip of my tongue
You should be OK 10/19
How are you getting on?
I saw red 12/19
Fine by me! 13/19
I got cold feet 14/19

In the sauna 1/19
Love and romance —
Valentine’s Day 2/19
Buildings and architecture
All about your workplace
Doing the laundry 5/19
Weekend activities 6/19

Landscapes 7/19
Stargazing 8/19
At the boating lake 9/19
In the bathroom 10/19
Athletics 11/19
At the farmers’ market 12/19
At a funeral 13/19
Moving house 14/19

Words that Go Together
“Flock”, “herd”, “litter”, “pack”
and “school” 1/19
“High” and “tall” 2/19
“Fast” and “quick” 3/19
“Look” and “watch” 4/19
“Wind” and “cloud” 5/19
“Bag” and “sack” 6/19
“Jar” “tin”, “can” and “tub”
Collocations with a summer
theme 8/19
“Cash” and “money” 9/19
The names of the months
The days of the week 11/19

Little Lights
The kids’ page: Hello! 12/19
The kids’ page: food 13/19
The kids’ page: colours 14/19

Teil 1: Telefon, E-Mail & Co.
Teil 2: Gefühle 12/19
Teil 3: Freizeit 13/19
Teil 4: Essen und Trinken

INDEX | 2019

The^ Rea
Your ders’^ sIsue
experiencestravel and learning
Game of moansof complainingThe language
VokabeltrainerTeil 3: Freizeit Gratis


Deutschland € 8,50CH sfr 13,90A·E ·I ·L ·SK: € 9,60

13 / 2019 (^13) — 19
THE READERS’ ISSUE Your tips • LANGUAGE How to complain • TRAVEL Ireland
IRELANDDiscover the drama
of Ireland’s Norse history
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Have you missed any issues of
Spotlight in 2019? Take advantage of our
special offer on the opposite page and
get all 14 issues at a reduced price.
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14 / 2019 (^14) — 19
NATURE A wilderness school in South Africa • LANGUAGE Activate your verbs • TRAVEL Aliens in Nevada
your English
Practise your verbs with our fun winter story
reindeer on Meet our farting ❄^
page 18
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Essen & Trinken❄
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