Spotlight - 01.2020

(Amelia) #1

Titelfoto: Evan Joseph Images; Fotos:; Gert Krautbauer

EDITORIAL 1/2020 Spotlight


New heights in New York


he writer Susan Ertz once said of New York
City that it was “...built to astonish the world”.
Never has that been truer than today. New
York is home to some of the most exciting
and futuristic architecture on the planet,
part of a wave of change that has been trans-
forming the city. Hudson Yards, once a rough area of town, has
been completely reinvented and now boasts a forest of new
tower blocks, including one that will soon offer giddying views
across the city from the highest outdoor viewing platform in the
western hemisphere. And at 111 West 57th Street (near Central
Park), the slenderest skyscraper on the planet punctuates the
skyline like a giant exclamation mark. It’s the building you can
see on our cover. Find out all about the new New York in our
travel story, which begins on page 28.
My partner loves to eat meat. Put a nice piece of beef or duck
in front of him, and he is happy to tuck in. He is, though, also
aware of the environmental cost of mass-produced meat, so
when the local supermarket began offering vegan alternatives,
he decided to give the meatless burger a try. The verdict: “It’s sur-
prisingly tasty.” In “A tale of two burgers”, which starts on page
36, we look at the trend of vegan burgers, where they come from
and how healthy they really are.
Finally, I would like to thank you so much, dear reader,
for taking part in our journey through the English-speaking
world in 2019. All the team wish you a happy and healthy 2020
and hope you will continue to enjoy reading and learning with

astonish [E(stQnIS]
, erstaunen, über­
exclamation mark
[)eksklE(meIS&n mA:k] UK
, Ausrufezeichen
giddying [(gIdiIN]
, schwindelerregend
punctuate [(pVNktSueIt]
, hier: unterbrechen
reinvent [)ri:In(vent]
, neu erfinden;
hier: umgestalten
slender [(slendE]
, schlank, schmal
tower block
[(taUE blQk] UK
, Hochhaus, Wohnturm
tuck in [tVk (In] ifml.
, reinhauen, zuschlagen
verdict [(v§:dIkt]
, Urteil

[email protected]
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