Spotlight - 01.2020

(Amelia) #1


Fotos: StephanieFrey, pepifoto, Daria Ustiugova/; mauritius images/P. Palko/Alamy; Nir Levy/

Spotlight 1/

Time to reconsider:
California is
requiring schools
to start later


The late debate

If you have ever tried to practice verb tenses
with a 13-year-old early in the morning, you
know it’s true: To do well at school, teenagers
need to get more sleep. Many pediatricians
agree, which is why California has become the
first US state to make a later-start law.
This autumn, Governor Gary Newsom
signed a bill mandating that public middle
and high schools in the state not start their day
before 8 a.m. The new law, expected to go into
effect in 2022–23, has middle schools begin-
ning at 8 a.m. at the earliest and high schools at
8:30 a.m. As the Los Angeles Times reports, about
half the state’s schools will have to delay their

morning start by up to 30 minutes to comply
with the rule.
Anthony Portantino, the state senator who
wrote the bill, said children were facing a “pub-
lic health crisis,” citing research from the Amer-
ican Academy of Pediatrics that points to 8:
as a good starting time for schools. Those who
are against this say the later start will mean
higher costs due to changes in bus routes. They
also warn that children of laborers and ser-
vice-industry workers will see no benefit from
such a law. These youngsters will be dropped
off at school early anyway, because their par-
ents do not have the freedom to start work later.

benefit [(benIfIt]
, Nutzen
bill [bIl]
, hier: Gesetz

cite [saIt]
, zitieren

comply with sth.
[kEm(plaI wIT]
, etw. erfüllen

mandate [(mÄndeIt]
, verfügen
pediatrician [)pi:diE(trIS&n]
, Kinderarzt, Kinderärztin

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