Spotlight - 01.2020

(Amelia) #1


Fotos: Paramount; Universum; PR

Spotlight 1/2020 ARTS


Cards, Brits

and baddies

Filme, Bücher, eine Ausstellung und ein unterhaltsames
Kartenspiel – EVE LUCAS gibt kulturelle Tipps aus der
englischsprachigen Welt.^ MEDIUM

Like many great artists who died fighting the demons of addic-
tion, Judy Garland (1922–69) has become a legend, living on
through her work as a singer and actress in such films as The Wiz-
ard of Oz and A Star is Born — and unforgotten in our fascination
with her troubled life.
Near the end of her too-short life, badly in need of money, Gar-
land agreed to perform in London’s Talk of the Town nightclub.
It is on these performances that the film Judy focuses. Actress
Renée Zellweger, as Judy, goes to great lengths to capture both
the movements and the singing voice of Garland. These efforts
have been rewarded with a film that lives by and through Zellwe-
ger’s performance. There is a near perfect fusion here of actress
and character. When Zellweger/Garland faces her audience, we
feel that she’s looking at us personally, hoping for our admira-
tion, but not completely sure she’ll receive it. Then she sings, and
we are fascinated by the talent, but also by the pain and the glory
of having such gifts, and knowing that they are your only sup-
port. Wisely, the film chooses to concentrate on this dilemma,
looking only briefly at the chaos of Garland’s life as a wife and
mother. But whatever she did, it was love she was looking for.
Starts 2 January.

addiction [E(dIkS&n]
, Sucht

capture [(kÄptSE]
, einfangen

lengths: go to great ~
, große Anstrengungen

Some of us will greet the year 2020 by
watching Dinner for One on New Year’s
Eve. There is, though, a lot more to Ger-
man-British relations than that sketch. An
exhibition entitled Very British: ein deutscher
Blick, at the Haus der Geschichte der Bun-
desrepublik Deutschland in Bonn, brings
together Mr Bean and Mr Bond, the Bea-
tles and, yes, Brexit, following develop-
ments from post-WWII. With objects
loaned from the Royal Family and a wealth of other material —
including that tiger skin from Dinner for One — this exhibition
explores a relationship that fascinates both Germans and Brits.
The exhibition ends on 8 March 2020. Find out more at

entitled [In(taIt&ld]
, mit dem Titel

trail [treI&l]
, Pfad, Wanderweg

veld [velt]
, Steppe, Buschland

wilderness [(wIldEnEs]
, Wildnis

Whether set in the African veld, the sky
over the English Channel or the wilder-
ness of the Yukon Trail in Canada, these
five short stories are all about adventure.
“The Old Chief Mshlanga” by Doris Less-
ing describes the life of a white girl grow-
ing up in Zimbabwe — when the country
was still called Rhodesia. At first, the child
copies the racist behaviour of her family
and friends, until a meeting with a chief
forces her to rethink. All the stories provide notes on the life
of the author and background to the stories, as well as pre- and
post-reading activities and the translations of difficult words.
Adventure Stories is for level C2 learners. Macmillan, €32.

Renée Zellweger
as Judy Garland
Free download pdf