Spotlight - 01.2020

(Amelia) #1

8 Spotlight 1/2020 IN THE SPOTLIGHT

Fotos: mauritius images/United Archives/Top Foto; ddp; imago stock&people; INTERFOTO / Bildarchiv Hansmann; Nicole Patience/




When residents of the tiny former
mining town of Wandiligong, Victo-
ria, in south-east Australia, heard the
crying in their backyard, they thought
that a dog had been hurt. What they
found — a newborn puppy with a cut
on its back — turned out instead to
be a very rare animal: an endangered
alpine dingo, likely dropped into the
garden by an eagle.
Veterinarians at the Alpine Animal
Hospital treated the puppy and iden-
tified it as possibly belonging to one
of the Australian continent’s three
dingo types. DNA testing was done,
and the results have made Lyn Wat-
son, director of the Australian Dingo
Foundation sanctuary, ecstatic.
Watson told ABC that the pup’s
DNA is pure, and that it is not a
dog-dingo hybrid, which is very com-
monly found in Australia. As such,
the young dingo will be a very valua-
ble addition to the foundation’s spe-
cial breeding programme, which was
created to keep the alpine dingo from


Squaring the circle

In the late 1970s, mysterious crop circles began appearing over-
night in the English countryside. Many people thought they had
been created by aliens, but they were, in fact, the work of two
Englishmen, Dave Chorley and his friend Doug Bower. Now
Dave’s son, Jim Chorley, has told the BBC, “They saw it as a kind
of a folk art form. It was the biggest canvas that they could possi-
bly ever use.” The men didn’t tell the world the truth until 1991,
and some people weren’t happy about it. “I can understand why
people would need to still believe in the magic of it,” said Chor-
ley. However, he is happy that his father’s legacy lives on through
crop circles, which are now an international phenomenon.

eagle [(i:g&l]
, Adler
ecstatic: [Ik(stÄtIk]
, euphorisch
, vom Aussterben

puppy [(pVpi]
, Hundewelpe
resident [(rezIdEnt]
, Einwohner(in)
, Schutzgebiet

canvas [(kÄnvEs]
, Leinwand
crop circle [(krQp )s§:k&l]
, Getreidekreis,
legacy [(legEsi]
, Erbe, Vermächtnis
squaring the circle
[)skweErIN DE (s§:k&l]
, Quadratur des Kreises


Out of step

TV host Lara Spencer was called out recently on a
comment she made on Good Morning America about
Prince George’s love of ballet. She began by saying,
“Prince William says George absolutely loves ballet.”
Then Spencer added, “I have news for you, Prince
William: we’ll see how long that lasts.”
Hundreds of ballet dancers reacted by performing
in New York in support of the British prince, while
others posted videos online. Spencer later apologized
for her comment.

ballet [(bÄleI]
, Ballett

host [hEUst]
, Moderator(in)
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