057 Cycle Touring Borneo

(Leana) #1



Cape Town, South Africa - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Leaving the Americas wasn’t my first choice, but I returned to South Africa for
various personal reasons. The bank cards were finally delivered (following a long
wait), and I was excited to continue my journey. Erika, my sister, kindly drove me
to the airport. Unfortunately, the mere five-kilo overweight came at a massive
expense. I was, understandably, miffed as many passengers carried at least 5kg of
body fat more than me.

Airport staff informed me the luggage could only be booked to Kuala Lumpur, as a
different airline operated between Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Kuching, Borneo. I
felt ripped off, even though one could understand their reasoning.

Finally, all were on board, and we were off to Dubai. Surprisingly, I saw Mark and
cousin Marida on the same flight en route to Phuket. I imagined we'd meet at
Dubai airport, but the Dubai airport was such a vast and busy one I never even
caught a glimpse of them. I made my way towards Terminal 2, at the opposite end
of the airport. So far was it, one needed the airport train. Soon enough, though,
we were Kuala Lumpur bound.

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