
(Kiana) #1

x Preface

Emphasis on APA Learning Goals
We have used the APA goals and assessment recommendations as guidelines for
structuring our content. For the fifth edition, we have placed even greater emphasis on
these goals.

New Introduction to Psychology Video Series
More than twenty new videos have been filmed for
this edition. These videos cover a variety of key topics
in introductory psychology, from careers in psychology
to experiments to diagnosing and classifying disorders.

Updated Psychology in Action Chapter
This chapter has been restructured around
eight modules, which address many of the
APA learning goals for the undergraduate
psychology major. Each module is
accompanied by a study tip video: study
skills, managing time, reading textbooks,
getting the most out of lectures, studying
for exams, writing papers, improving your
memory, and your ethical responsibility.

New Biological Artwork and Animations
A new art program designed for REVEL
takes into account all of the visual media
that students now interact with; the
artwork is designed in a contemporary
aesthetic that matches the graphical quality
users see in other digital experiences such
as video games.

Watch the Video Experiments: Experimental Group versus Control Group


Figure (^) The pain from the burning heat of the candle flame stimulates the afferent nerve fibers, which carry the 2. 6 The Spinal Cord Reflex
message up to the interneurons in the middle of the spinal cord. The interneurons then send a message out by means of the efferent nerve fibers, causing the hand to jerk away from the flame.
Sensory neurons
Motor neurons Cross-sectionof spinal cord
Information tothe brain
Skin receptors
Watch the Video
Based on what you know now, what advice would you share with aAfter you have answered the question, watch the video to compare the answers of other students to yours. student just starting out in college?
The response entered here will be saved to your notes and may be collected by your instructor if he/she requires it.
Psychology in Action
S e c r e t s f o r S u r v i v i n g C o l l e g e a n d I m p r o v i n g Y o u r G r a d e s
Why Study How to Many students entering college have developed a system of taking notes, reading the textbook, and reviewing for exams that Study?
may have worked pretty well in the past; but what worked in grade school and high school may not work in college, where the expectations from teachers are higher and the workload is far greater. Students should develop skills in the following areas
in order to do their absolute best in any college course: study methods, time management, effective reading of course materi-als, active listening and note taking, studying for exams, memory strategies, and writing papers. One final aspect of being a
successful student involves being an ethical student—exactly how can you use the materials you find for your research paper, for e x a m p l e , w i t h o u t c o m m i t t i n g t h e s i n o f p l a g i a r i s m ( c l a i m i n g t h e w o r k o f s o m e o n e e l s e a s y o u r o w n )?

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