
(Kiana) #1


regulates metabolism (how fast the body burns its available energy). As related to
growth, the thyroid plays a crucial role in body and brain development.

PANCREAS The pancreas controls the level of blood sugar in the body by secreting
insulin and glucagon. If the pancreas secretes too little insulin, it results in diabetes. If it
secretes too much insulin, it results in hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, which causes a
person to feel hungry all the time and often become overweight as a result. to
Learning Objective 9.6.

THE GONADS The gonads are the sex glands, including the ovaries in the female
and the testes in the male. They secrete hormones that regulate sexual behavior and
reproduction. They do not control all sexual behavior, though. In a very real sense,
the brain itself is the master of the sexual system—human sexual behavior is not con-
trolled totally by instincts and the actions of the glands as in some parts of the animal
world, but it is also affected by psychological factors such as attractiveness. to
Learning Objective 10.1.

THE ADRENAL GLANDS Everyone has two adrenal glands, one on top of each kid-
ney. The origin of the name is simple enough; renal comes from a Latin word meaning
“kidney” and ad is Latin for “to,” so adrenal means “to or on the kidney.” Each adrenal
gland is actually divided into two sections, the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex. It
is the adrenal medulla that releases epinephrine and norepinephrine when people are
under stress and aids in sympathetic arousal.
The adrenal cortex produces more than 30 different hormones called corticoids
(also called steroids) that regulate salt intake, help initiate* and control stress reactions,
and also provide a source of sex hormones in addition to those provided by the gonads.
One of the most important of these adrenal hormones is cortisol, released when the
body experiences stress, both physical stress (such as illness, surgery, or extreme heat
or cold) and psychological stress (such as an emotional upset). Cortisol is important
in the release of glucose into the bloodstream during stress, providing energy for the
brain itself, and the release of fatty acids from the fat cells that provide the muscles
with energy.

adrenal glands
endocrine glands located on top of
each kidney that secrete over 30 dif-
ferent hormones to deal with stress,
regulate salt intake, and provide a
secondary source of sex hormones
affecting the sexual changes that
occur during adolescence.

the male gonads or sex glands.

sex glands; secrete hormones that reg-
ulate sexual development and behav-
ior as well as reproduction.

endocrine gland; controls the levels
of sugar in the Dlood.

the female gonads or sex glands.

*initiate: begin or start.

Concept Map LO. 2.6, 2.7

InteractiveDistant Connections: The Endocrine Glands

glands are organs in the body that secrete chemicals; some affect functioning of
the body but not behavior; others have widespread influence on the body and behavior

endocrine glands secrete chemicals called hormones into
bloodstream; affect behavior and emotions by influencing
the activity of the brain and by controlling muscles and
organs such as the heart, pancreas, and sex organs

pituitary gland
pineal gland
thyroid gland
adrenal glands


When the pancreas does not excrete enough
insulin, the result is diabetes. A person with
diabetes must keep a close watch on blood
sugar levels. Some people test more than once
a day while others are able to test only a few
times a week. Devices such as the one in use
here make it much easier—and far less painful—
to test blood sugar levels than in years past.

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