
(Kiana) #1
Sensation and Perception 111


How might someone who has had total hearing loss from birth react to being able to hear?

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The Hearing Sense

has psychological

is a physical stimulus



shorter wavelengths
= more waves per
second = higher

increase in number of sounds results in greater richness

of pitch

or pitch


composed of sound waves

have wavelengths
and wavelike properties
that can be measured
result of vibrations of air molecules

processing can be impaired; hearing aids may help with conductive issues
whereas cochlear implants may be used with nerve hearing impairment

larger wave amplitudes associated with louder volume

outer ear
middle ear
inner ear

place theory
frequency theory
volley theory

processed by the ear

Concept Map L.O. 3.7, 3.8, 3.9



Practice Quiz How much do you remember?

Pick the best answer.

  1. The part of the ear that can be seen is also called the
    a. pinna. c. organ of Corti.
    b. oval window. d. cochlea.

  2. The oval window is found in what part of the ear?
    a. outer ear c. inner ear
    b. middle ear d. The oval window is not a structure
    of the ear.

  3. Which theory cannot adequately account for pitches above 1,000 Hz?
    a. place c. volley
    b. frequency d. adaptive
    4. Yoshi has suffered minor damage to the bones in his left middle ear.
    What treatment, if any, might help restore his hearing?
    a. a hearing aid
    b. a cochlear implant
    c. Both a hearing aid and a cochlear implant will be needed.
    d. Such damage is permanent and cannot be remedied.
    5. Which is considered the most common type of permanent hearing loss?
    a. psychological hearing loss
    b. conductive hearing loss
    c. frequency-based hearing loss
    d. sensorineural hearing loss

Chemical Senses: It Tastes Good and Smells Even Better

The sense of taste (taste in food, not taste in clothing or friends) and the sense of smell are
very closely related. As Dr. Alan Hirsch, a researcher on smell and taste, explains in the
video Smell and Taste, about 90 percent of what we deem taste is really smell. Have you ever

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