
(Kiana) #1


related sites. Each related site has its own specific information but is also linked to many
other related sites, and a person can have more than one site open at the same time. This
may be very similar to the way in which the mind organizes the information stored in LTM.


In thinking about a typical day, how do you use each type of memory: nondeclarative, episodic, and
The response entered here will be saved to your notes and may be
collected by your instructor if he/she requires it.


The Information-Processing Model
(proposes three stages that vary both in duration and capacity;
information must be processed effectively at earlier stages before long-term storage occurs)

iconic (visual)
echoic (auditory)

semantic: general
episodic: episodes/events
from one’s life

nondeclarative: implicit memory for skills, habits,
and learned responses; likely involves amygdala and cerebellum
declarative: explicit memory
for facts and information;
involves widespread cortical areas
semantic network model can explain how
information is stored in connected fashion
parallel distributed processing model can be used
to explain speed at which different points can be accessed

capacity limited, duration ,1 – 4 sec

sensory memory

capacity limited (3–5 items),
duration 12–30 sec without rehearsal

short-term memory

capacity seemingly
unlimited, duration
relatively permanent

long-term memory

associated with physical changes in
the brain; hippocampus and cortex
involved in consolidation of information
from short-term to long-term memory

different types, based
on information stored;
different brain areas
associated with each

organized in terms
of related meanings
and concepts

elaborative rehearsal can lead to better long-term storage

chunking and maintenance
rehearsal can be used to increase
capacity and duration, respectively
working memory: complex, active
processing of information in
short-term memory

maintenance rehearsal differs
from elaborative rehearsal

Concept Map L.O. 6.3, 6.4, 6.5




Practice Quiz How much do you remember?

Pick the best answer.

  1. _____ memories are said to linger in the mind for a few sec-
    onds, allowing people the chance to keep up with the flow of con-
    versations and remember what was just said.
    a. Iconic c. Short-term
    b. Echoic d. Long-term
    2. Information enters into short-term memory through a process
    known as __.
    a. recency effect c. selective attention
    b. primacy effect d. repetition

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