
(Kiana) #1
Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, and Language 275

blindness or deafness due to inattention. In one study, researchers found that when
faced with a very demanding visual task, participants lost the ability to detect
auditory information (Molloy et al., 2015).
While it might be tempting to think of one’s self as a “supertasker,” research
suggests otherwise. When tested on driving simulators while having to perform
successfully on two attention-demanding tasks, more than 97 percent of individuals
are unable to do so without significant impacts on their performance. During the
dual-task condition, only 2.5 percent of individuals were able to perform without
problems (Watson & Strayer, 2010). Research also suggests the people that are most
likely to talk on their cell phone while driving, as indicated by self-report, are actu-
ally the worst at multitasking when tested (Sanbonmatsu et al., 2013). It is estimated
that at least 27 percent of all traffic crashes are caused by drivers using their cell
phone and/or texting (National Safety Council, 2015).


7.5 Recall some characteristics of creative, divergent thinking.

So far, we’ve only talked about logic and pretty straightforward
thinking. How do people come up with totally new ideas, things no
one has thought of before?

Not every problem can be answered by using information already at hand and the rules
of logic in applying that information. Sometimes a problem requires coming up with
entirely new ways of looking at the problem or unusual, inventive solutions. This kind
of thinking is called creativity: solving problems by combining ideas or behavior in new
ways (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996; pronounced chĭck-sĕnt-mē-HĪ-ē). Before we learn more,
take the survey What Is Creativity? to examine your own beliefs about creativity.

The driver of this train was texting from his cell phone
immediately before this crash that killed 25 people and
injured more than 130 others.

The logical method for problem solving that has been discussed so far is based
on a type of thinking called convergent thinking. In convergent thinking, a problem is
seen as having only one answer, and all lines of thinking will eventually lead to (con-
verge on) that single answer by using previous knowledge and logic (Ciardiello, 1998).
For example, the question “In what ways are a pencil and a pen alike?” can be answered

the process of solving problems by
combining ideas or behavior in new
convergent thinking
type of thinking in which a problem is
seen as having only one answer, and
all lines of thinking will eventually
lead to that single answer, using previ-
ous knowledge and logic.

Simulate the Experiment What Is Creativity?


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This survey asks you about your
attitudes toward and experiences with a
broad range of psychological principles
and theories.
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