
(Kiana) #1
Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, and Language 309

  1. Which of the following questions would be more likely to produce
    divergent thinking?
    a. “What is a clothes hanger?”
    b. “How do you spell clothes hanger?”
    c. “How many uses can you think of for a clothes hanger?”
    d. “What does a clothes hanger typically look like?”

  2. Which type of intelligence, according to Howard Gardner, would
    most likely be present in farmers, landscapers, and biologists?
    a. naturalist
    b. visual/spatial

c. existentialist
d. movement

  1. According to Sternberg, “book smarts” is another way of talking
    about which kind of intelligence?
    a. analytical
    b. creative

c. practical
d. emotional

  1. Which of the following tests came first?
    a. The Wechsler tests
    b. The Stanford Binet

c. The ACT
d. Binet’s mental ability test

  1. Dr. Davenport gives all her classes 45 minutes to complete their
    psychology test regardless of if the class meets for 50 minutes,
    75  minutes, or even 3 hours. Such a technique ensures test
    a. reliability.
    b. validity.

c. norms.
d. standardization.

  1. In contrast to comparing mental age to chronological age, most
    modern tests of intelligence use ____.
    a. Stern’s formula
    b. age-group comparison

c. creativity assessments
d. emotional assessments

  1. The goal of all test developers is to ____ cultural bias in
    their intelligence tests.
    a. maximize
    b. eliminate

c. minimize
d. hide

  1. Dr. Miller works with children who have grown up in poor socioeco-
    nomic conditions. Many of her clients come from homes that do not
    emphasize education or social involvement, and opportunities for
    advancement are practically nonexistent. Many are malnourished,
    have been exposed to a variety of environmental toxins, and have
    multiple infections without adequate or timely health care. What
    might these children be at risk for?
    a. intellectual disability
    b. genetic inhibition
    c. organically induced deprivation
    d. increased emotional intelligence
    15. Dr. Thomas has found that William, her patient, has a defect in a
    gene on the X chromosome of his 23rd pair, which has resulted in
    a deficiency of a protein needed for William’s brain development.
    William most likely suffers from
    a. Down syndrome.
    b. cretinism.

c. fragile X syndrome.
d. fetal alcohol syndrome.

  1. In Terman’s study of gifted children, mental health issues and
    relationship problems only occurred in those with IQs of
    a. 150 or higher.
    b. 180 or higher.

c. 100 or lower.
d. 45 or lower.

  1. What might be the best predictor of why some people do not excel
    in school but essentially succeed in their life and career choices?
    a. cretinism
    b. phonemes

c. one’s intelligence quotient
d. emotional intelligence

  1. What does the Flynn effect theorize?
    a. Intelligence scores are steadily increasing in modernized
    b. Intelligence scores are decreasing due to an overreliance on
    c. Intelligence scores are relatively stable in contrast to improve-
    ment in our educational system.
    d. Intelligence scores are meaningless and should be abandoned.

  2. Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf theorized that ____, a
    concept reflected in their linguistic relativity hypothesis.
    a. language shapes thoughts
    b. thoughts shape language
    c. language and thought develop independently
    d. language and thought influence each other

  3. Cognitive universalism tends to ____ the linguistic relativity
    a. contradict
    b. support
    c. add further proof to
    d. mildly downplay

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