
(Kiana) #1

398 CHAPTER 10

Another study examined the way in which men and women respond to visual sex-
ual stimuli and found that although men and women may report being equally aroused
by erotic pictures, what happens in their brains is quite different (Hamann et al., 2004).
Using a brain-scanning technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the
researchers found that the amygdala and hypothalamus areas of the limbic system (areas
involved in emotional and sexual responses) were more strongly active in men than in
women who viewed the pictures. to Learning Objective 2. 11. The researchers
concluded that the male brain’s enhanced reaction might be a product of natural selection,
as early human males who could quickly recognize a sexually receptive female would
have had a greater opportunity to mate and pass on their genes to their offspring.
ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES Even if the girls who were exposed to androgens pre-
natally were initially influenced by these hormones, it seems fairly clear that their later
“reversion” to more feminine ways was at least somewhat influenced by the pressures of
society. In most cultures, there are certain roles that males and females are expected to play
(gender roles, in other words), and the pressure that can be brought to bear on a person
who does not conform to these expectations can be tremendous. In most Western cultures,
the pressure to be masculine is even greater for males than the pressure to be feminine is
for girls. The term tomboy is not generally viewed as an insult, but there are no terms for a
boy who acts in a feminine manner that are not insulting—sissy, for example, is not a nice
term at all. And although studies of parents’ influence on their children’s gender typing
show that both parents have an impact, they also show that the fathers are almost always
more concerned about their sons showing male gender behavior than they are about their
daughters showing female gender behavior (Kane, 2006; Lytton & Romney, 1991).


How do you believe men and women are portrayed in today’s media? Strong? Weak? Inept and
unable to take care of themselves? Is it different for television, commercials, or movies?
The response entered here will be saved to your notes and may be
collected by your instructor if he/she requires it.


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