
(Kiana) #1

414 CHAPTER 10

Those adolescents who had sent sexts as sophomores were 1.32 times as likely to be sex-
ually active in their junior years as those who had sent no sexts. Sexting was not, however,
found to be related to later risky sexual behavior.
What conclusions about the relationship between sexting and sexual behavior can be
drawn from the data? What social expectation does sexting seem to indicate?

Sexual Health

The health of the human sexual system can involve organic,
sociocultural, and psychological influences, as well as a
combination of these factors. While sexual dysfunctions
(problems with the physical workings of the sex act or
sexual functioning) will be discussed in detail in Chapter
Fourteen, infectious conditions are the main concern in the
following section. to Learning Objective 14.12.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

10.9 Describe the causes and symptoms of some
common sexually transmitted infections.
One of the consequences of unprotected sexual contact is
the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection
(STI), an infection spread primarily through sexual contact.
Ta b l e 1 0. 1 lists some of the more common sexually trans-
mitted infections and their causes. Some STIs affect the

Table 10.1 Common Sexually Transmitted Infections
STI Cause Symptoms
Chlamydia Bacterial infection that grows within the body’s cells Swollen testicles, discharge, burning during urination; women may
experience no symptoms
Syphilis Bacterial infection Sores that appear on or in the genital area and can spread to other
body parts and the brain
Gonorrhea Bacterial infection that grows rapidly in warm, moist areas of the
body (mouth, anus, throat, genitalia)

In men, a foul-smelling, cloudy discharge from the penis, burning
upon urination; in women, inflamed cervix, light vaginal discharge
Genital Herpes Herpes simplex virus Sores on the genital area; itching, burning, throbbing, “pins-and-
needles” sensations where sores are about to appear
Genital Warts Human papillomavirus (HPV) Warty growths on the genitalia
AIDS Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Severe malfunction and eventual breakdown of the immune system

sexually transmitted
an infection spread primarily through
sexual contact.

These posters warning against sexually transmitted infections hang in a youth center in San
Francisco, California. Adolescents often fail to take precautions against such infections and
are becoming sexually active at younger ages, making them a high-risk group for STIs.


APA Goal 2 Sexting and Sex in Adolescents



Odds of being sexually active as a junior Odds of sending a sext as a junior

Asked for a sext
as a sophomore

Was asked for a sextas a sophomore

as a sophomoreSent a sext

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