
(Kiana) #1
Sexuality and Gender 419

Test Yourself

Pick the best answer.

  1. Primary sex characteristics
    a. include the development of pubic and ancillary hair.
    b. always begin their development during puberty.
    c. are typically the same for males and females.
    d. are directly involved in human reproduction.

  2. What is the average age in the United States that menarche
    typically begins?
    a. 10 c. 13
    b. 12 d. 14

  3. If the gonads within an embryo produce testosterone because
    of the presence of a Y gene on the sex chromosome, then the
    ____ will develop and the _____ will deteriorate.
    a. Müllerian ducts; Wolffian ducts
    b. Wolffian ducts; Müllerian ducts
    c. ovaries; testes
    d. testes; ovaries

  4. An intersex person is
    a. a person who has sex with both men and women.
    b. another name for a homosexual.
    c. a person born with ambiguous sexual organs.
    d. another name for a heterosexual.

  5. Annika’s mother wants her daughter to grow up to become a
    mother of a large family. Such an expectation for Annika might be
    seen as an example of her
    a. gender role. c. gender identity.
    b. gender typing. d. gender constancy.

  6. Darla shares with a close friend that she often feels a strong desire
    to be another gender and that it bothers her so much that she is
    having problems at work and in her social life. What is the term
    used to describe this?
    a. hermaphroditism c. intersex
    b. transsexual d. gender dysphoria

  7. In social learning theory, gender identity results
    a. when a child learns that they are either a “girl” or a “boy.”
    b. from observation and imitation.
    c. from biological changes that occurred before birth.
    d. from unconscious forces.

  8. Jennifer’s aunt tries to explain that running around with boys on the
    playground isn’t “ladylike.” Such a statement could be an example of
    a. androgyny. c. role development.
    b. gender typing. d. gender stereotyping.

  9. Plateau occurs in
    a. Phase 1. c. Phase 3.
    b. Phase 2. d. Phase 4.

  10. The refractory period is a time during which
    a. a woman cannot have another orgasm.
    b. a man cannot have another orgasm.
    c. a man begins to get sexually aroused.
    d. a woman cannot be aroused.

  11. Which of the following studies was the most controversial for its
    method of gathering information?
    a. the Kinsey report
    b. the Janus report
    c. Masters and Johnson’s study
    d. Savic’s research on sexual orientation
    12. The Kinsey report indicates that more than ____ as many
    men had intercourse by age 16 as did women.
    a. twice
    b. four times
    c. ten times
    d. three times
    13. Parental investment theory seeks to explain
    a. why men have sex more often than women.
    b. why women are sexually attracted to men.
    c. why couples meet and remain together.
    d. why sexual activity diminishes in seniors.
    14. Research on the epi-mark offers a ____ explanation to the
    existence of homosexuality.
    a. genetic c. social
    b. psychological d. behavioral
    15. Some research suggests that a man is more likely to be
    homosexual if he has a lot of
    a. older sisters. c. social support.
    b. older brothers. d. testosterone.
    16. Sexual health can be influenced by
    a. organic factors.
    b. organic and sociocultural factors.
    c. organic, psychological, and sociocultural factors.
    d. hereditary factors primarily.
    17. Which of the following sexually transmitted infections can ultimately
    affect the brain?
    a. genital herpes c. syphilis
    b. chlamydia d. gonorrhea
    18. Brandon has a couple of painful sores on his penis and experi-
    ences severe itching and burning in the surrounding area. Brandon
    probably has
    a. genital herpes. c. syphilis.
    b. chlamydia. d. gonorrhea.
    19. Which of the following is a way in which HIV can be transmitted?
    a. through exposure to contaminated blood or other body fluids
    containing contaminated blood
    b. by sharing beverages with someone who is HIV positive
    c. by making contact with the tears of an HIV patient
    d. through hand holding, especially if the person with HIV is
    20. Alicia is horrified to hear that her date from last night carries the
    human immunodeficiency virus. While they did not engage in sex,
    they did share a quick kiss at the end of the evening, hastened by
    her phone ringing in her apartment. Besides discussing her con-
    cerns with her date should they go out again, what precautions
    should Alicia take?
    a. She should see her doctor immediately, since kissing can cause
    the spread of HIV.
    b. She should see her doctor only if she begins to have
    c. She should try to calm down, since stress helps transmit HIV.
    d. She should try not to worry, since kissing has not been proven
    to be a successful way to transmit HIV, and follow up with her
    doctor or other health care provider if she has concerns or

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