
(Kiana) #1

448 CHAPTER 11

claim to have found support for the claims of homeopathy’s effectiveness in treating
diseases, systematic and scientific reviews of those studies have found numerous flaws
in how that research was designed, conducted, and reported (Ernest, 2002, 2012). Plau-
sible and likely explanations for their results were overlooked, such as the placebo effect
( to Learning Objective 1.9), natural healing that has occurred as time has
passed, the power of suggestion, and regression to the mean, which basically states that
things tend to even out over the long run ( to Learning Objective A.3). The fact is,
people often don’t look too closely at promised remedies for their ailments. That’s really
too bad, because a little critical thinking on their part could save them quite a bit of money.


Many people have tried some pretty wild things to address things like acne, bad breath,
hiccups, and other such maladies. What is the strangest thing you have ever tried to solve or
cure such conditions? Did it work, and what prompted you to try it?
The response entered here will be saved to your notes and may
be collected by your instructor if he/she requires it.


Coping with Stress

I have exams and my job and my relationship to worry about, so
I feel pretty stressed out—how do people deal with all the stress they
face every day?

So far, this chapter has talked about what stress is and the factors that can magnify the
effects of stress, as well as the effects of stress on a person’s physical health. Effectively
dealing with stress involves increased awareness so changes can be made in factors that
are actually controllable. Participate in the survey Will This Survey Stress You Out? to eval-
uate the level of stress in your life and what methods you use to cope with it.

Simulate the Experiment Will This Survey Stress You Out?


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This survey asks you about your attitudes
toward and experiences with a broad range of
psychological principles and theories.
Click Next to begin the survey
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