
(Kiana) #1
Stress and Health 453

First, most people who hold strong religious beliefs belong to a religious organi-
zation and attend regular religious functions, such as services at a synagogue, mosque,
temple, or church. This membership can be a vital part of a person’s social-support sys-
tem. People do not feel alone in their struggle, both literally because of the people who
surround them in their religious community and spiritually because of the intangible
presence of their deity (Koenig et al., 1999).
Another way that religion helps people cope involves the rituals and rites that help
people feel better about personal weaknesses, failures, or feelings of inadequacy (Koenig
et al., 2001). These include rituals such as confession of sins or prayer services during
times of stress. Religion can also increase the likelihood that a person will volunteer to
help others and feel stronger and better in many ways. Finally, religious beliefs can give
meaning to things that otherwise seem to have no meaning or purpose, such as viewing
death as a pathway to a paradise or the destruction of one’s home in a natural disaster as
a reminder to place less attachment on material things.
Many religions also encourage healthy behavior and eating habits—eating wisely;
limiting or forgoing the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; and sanctioning
monogamous relationships. Some research even suggests that people with religious
commitments live longer than those who have no such beliefs, although this is correla-
tional research ( to Learning Objective 1.7) and should not be interpreted as
concluding that religious belief causes longer life expectancies (Hummer et al., 1999;
Koenig et al., 1999; Lambert et al., 2013; Strawbridge et al., 1997; Thoresen & Harris,


What methods of stress reduction do you typically rely on? How effective do you believe them
to be? Why?

The response entered here will be saved to your notes and may be
collected by your instructor if he/she requires it.


coping strategies
are behavioral and psychological
actions taken to master, tolerate,
reduce, or minimize the effect of

having a social-support system has been shown to reduce stress, help
prevent illness, and aid people in coping more effectively with stressors

problem-focused coping
involves working to change
or eliminate the stressor itself
emotion-focused coping
involves changing the way a person feels
or emotionally reacts to a stressor

Coping With Stress
various methods and behaviors help individuals deal with stress

meditation, in its various forms, helps to
promote relaxation, calm anxiety, improve
sleep, and lower blood pressure

an individual’s culture and/or religious beliefs can affect the appraisal of events as more or
less stressful, the coping strategies adopted, and the support systems that can offer assistance


Concept Map L.O. 11.10, 11.11, 11.12, 11.13


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